Monday, April 18, 2016

Random Musings on Pregnancy

1.) I had no idea how vain I was about my slim ankles until... BAM... pregnancy. I mean, I've always had big calves which I have just learned to live with, but at least my ankles were still small. Yeah, that's pretty much blown to bits now...

2.) About 30 min into sitting, resting, lying down my legs seem to regress to their 11month old state and forget that they ever learned how to move, let alone walk.

3.) I have been anxiously awaiting that awkward moment that they say happens when a complete stranger decides to touch your pregnant belly. I anticipated a complete action movie domination sequence where my karate rigid hand is at their throat with their offending hand bent behind them painfully as I tell them in my best Liam Neeson voice to never, ever touch a pregnant lady.

4.) I still go to work, I helped lift boxes when moving, I can push carts, carry my 17+ pound niece around, and lug my bigger 25 pound work bag around. I sleep in a lofted bed that I have to climb into every night. But when I go places people who never would have held a door open for me suddenly do and checkers even load my groceries into my cart after bagging at times. Its the strangest phenomenon.
Even my own family... they don't want to leave me alone for the weekend before my due date. I'm like guys... women in Kiibito, Uganda hike down from the mountain (2+ hour hike) while in labor to deliver at the clinic, deliver a baby, then hike back in time to peel matooke for supper... I'm pretty sure if anything happens I'll have the time/presence of mind to drive myself to the hospital.

5.) I don't have pretty hands. I never have. I got my dad's rather large handed genes... which impressively meant that I could palm a basketball from a rather young age and completely show up all the adolescent boys who were trying in vain to do it (a fact I rather exploited). Now thanks to pregnancy they are not only big in size but also in diameter. As I loose circulation intermittently (*cough, while typing this, *cough) and my engagement ring becomes hopelessly bonded to my finger, all I can think is: Oh the joys...

6.) As I pray for this little guy growing inside me and feel him kicking and squirming against my diaphragm and bladder... I can't help wondering how God will choose to use him, what his character will be like, even how his skin and eyes will look. One thing that I do know completely: I love my little boy already and I can't wait to meet him.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Impending Hiatus (Most Likely)

Hello my dear readers... I've been absent from writing these last few months as I took time to re-evaluate/reorganize my life and process everything that's been going on.

As many of you may have realized by now, I am pregnant with my first child. My pregnancy was a bit unexpected for many obvious reasons. However, regardless, I am very committed to first of all loving this child to the very best of my ability, and also to caring for him in the best ways possible.

This of course necessitated my relocation back to the U.S. for the time being. My dear country of Uganda, which I hope and pray God may lead me back to someday, has had to be put on hold right now for the immediately foreseeable future.

Instead, I have found myself buried back in a world of trying to make ends meet and learning all about the cost of baby diapers. A very rude awakening if I do say so myself.

I can but say that I will attempt to meet this challenge as I have the many that have come into my life in the last several years: With a little bit of coffee and whole lot of Jesus.
(no, literally... a little bit of coffee... they don't recommend more than one weak cup a day... don't ask me who "they" is!)

That much being said, I have no idea how often this blog will be posted on over the next several months/years. I optimistically hope that I'll have time to reflect and write about everything that God has been teaching me through these infant eyes, but lets be honest... between work hours and long nights and poopy diapers and drying crying eyes (most likely mine, not his) I doubt I'll have a terribly large amount of time to write on here how it is all going down.

So consider this your official notice... if this blog goes fairly inactive it was not from the best intentions of the writer herself, but from the very complicated circumstances of what we commonly refer to as life.