Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Morning

So its Sunday morning about 9:49am and I am sitting at my computer listening to "Wild Horses" playing, and hearing the crickets outside my window and my puppy complaining about being locked in her kennel. So random good things are going well in my life. Actually lots of things are NOT going well at all, which is why I am marveling at the fact that I am still in such an upbeat mood.
I finished my first round of clinicals this week, which went well. This was the rotation that I was most concerned about because I had to work the ER and ICU. I don't know about you, but I always thought of those areas as like the high intensity areas. Those areas where every three minutes you have someone running with a crash cart and paddles... Yeah, guess again. I didn't have a single code. Oh, well, I got to be majorly surprised at how well I was able to do in all those areas. I think I know more than I give myself credit for. Speaking of credit: I had a test on Monday. 10 questions. All essay. I walked out of there ready to cry because I was pretty sure that I only got about 50% on that test. Scores came back... 97%. What in the world? Apparently I am getting an A+ in B.S. class... because there was hardly anything on that test that I didn't pull out of thin air, put a spin on, and write down as if I knew exactly what I was talking about. Wonders never cease, and God is amazingly merciful. Oh, by the way... I haven't failed a test yet this semester. Believe it or not, that was actually my goal for this semester. I know, I know... lame. But true none the less.
I decided to look for a new church this semester because of some things that I had talked with a friend about this summer and really got me to thinking. Anyway... I found two. I'm not yet sure what to make of that. I really like them both. One is definitely a better fit for unsocial me, but the other might be a better fit on account of that I might actually have to do some getting out of my comfort zone. We'll see which I end up going with, or I may end up just jumping back and forth like I have been doing.
Is it bad that I've pretty much quit Ichthus? I just feel so disconnected from it. I feel like that God is really moving in their midst, which is really exciting, but I just feel like I don't have a connection to that. Maybe its just that part of me that decided to grow up and not be the "college student" anymore.
Oh, did I tell you about that? Yeah, I kinda decided to grow up a couple weeks back. That means getting my stuff together, and quit putting off stuff because I'm young or in school, or whatever other excuses I've been using. I also like to live slightly irresponsibly at times for that same reason... ha! Stopping now. Anyway that is what I decided. So you all are welcome to call me on stuff if you still see it in my life.
Lets see... in other news, my brother is getting married. Yeah, to this really amazing gal that I've wanted as a sister for a really long time! Needless to say I am pretty stoked for them! Oh, and I'm definitely adopting her mom as a faux mom-in-law, cause she's pretty stellar and fun! Anyway, we got our dresses in the other day for the wedding... uhm, yeah, bridal shop people are dumb... no better way to say that. How can I send you my exact measurements and you still order me a dress that is 6 sizes too big!?! What's up with that? Lets just say they are altering it.
Kala is getting really big. Like really big! I've had to let out her collar 2 notches since I got back from Africa. And of course she eats like a horse! By the way, I just realized the other day that her name kinda sounds like the abbreviation for Kampala.... K'la... weird. I didn't really plan that one. But I did look up online and as long as all her shots are current I can take her with me to Uganda... how cool is that!!
Anyway enough random stuff out my life for now, eh?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally Writing...

I struggled all of last week trying to find something to write about on the blog. The one thing that I seemed to be really passionate about writing was the one thing I didn't want to write about on my blog... and so no posts came.
I however, completely neglected to tell about some very major things that have been on my heart as far as prayer.

You all know by now how I am absolutely in love with a country in Africa called Uganda. And equally as "in-love" with a certain section of Kampala city called Bugolobi, and especially with a church there, and specifically a really amazing group of young people called the "David's Fellowship".
Last week unfortunately, there were riots in Kampala City. As nearly as I can tell the main focus of the riots was tribal oriented. Apparently there was supposed to be some sort of meeting in the city, and at the last minute the king of the tribe was denied access which sent the meeting-goers on riot edge. Police were naturally called in to de-escalate the situation, but I am afraid, made it worse. I think the last count was 15 dead, and 100s injured. Lots of property was also destroyed, from burning cars to ransacking buses and businesses. It seems to have cooled off some in Kampala, but I wish you would all pray for peace anyway.
Uganda is a fairly stable government compared to most of Africa, but there is LOTS of corruption as anyone there will tell you. Most elections are rigged, political deviants are held on bogus charges, and the only way to get ahead is to know someone in a position higher than you. And unfortunately, they harbor the same biases towards tribes that we in some sections of the US maybe harbor towards different ethnic groups.
I don't think that is something that I'll ever understand. The concept of tribal loyalties. I was talking to a UG friend about it the other day, and realized that there is nothing in the US to compare it to. I don't even feel as patriotic towards my entire country as they do towards their tribe. (though arguably some Americans do) And while I love my family dearly, I wouldn't start a riot cause some one of them was denied access to a city.

So I was reading in Jeremiah, (because I was looking for that verse about seeking the peace and prosperity of the city which seemed appropriate) and I didn't realize that verse falls in the same conversation between God and the exiles as the "for I know the plans I have for you..." verse. Maybe I'm just stupid, but you hear the "plans" verse so much, and very rarely do you hear the whole passage that it goes with. Anyway, I think you should read it too, because I was very encouraged by it. Its found in chapter 29 in case you are interested.
Point being, not only are we seeking the peace and prosperity of the "city" while we live in it (and yes, I realize that I don't technically live in UG right now...) but also, while we ware seeking that peace we need to rest in the promise that God already has this whole thing planned out. Its not a plan of harm, its a plan of future, hope, and prosperity. But He does ask us to come to Him, call upon Him, seek with all our hearts... and then He is willing to be found by us, to answer us. And then to gather us from all the nations and places He has scattered us; gather us to Himself. *warm, fuzzy feelings*

Anyway I think I am going to committ to praying for the government of Uganda.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Guy Hating...

So I've been on this good long guy hating streak for some time now. I realized that recently my explanation to almost everything is: guys are stupid, we should throw rocks at them!
(This, of course is not a idea that is generally acceptable to about 50% of the current population, and therefore not a viable option for resolve or relief in the present circumstance.)
I was just realizing how wrong this whole approach is. It isn't guys in general that are stupid, its the world that we live in, (a fallen world) that is actually stupid. Unfortunately a stupid world also incorporates, as much as I cringe to say it... the female population as well.
I would however like to say that I am starting to trace some of my present feelings of disappointment back to completely unrealistic expectations on my part. Maybe you have had them to. Those expectations of what and who a guy is supposed to be. Lets face it ladies, there is no perfect Disney prince out there waiting for us. There isn't even a Braveheart hero, or a Boaz that is going to come through for us all the time. Or maybe it was because my dad was such a great guy, and I always figured that I would go away to college like my mom, end up on worship team with some amazing guitar player, sing harmonies and study the bible together, and decide this might not be a bad life to continue. Or maybe I just wanted to imagine that everything in life would be perfect, and you all are just ruining my closet optimistic personality... nah, that can't be it!
Okay, so you all are still stupid, but then again, so am I at times. Comes with being human... special two for one deal I guess. Humanness is in us all, and I for one am realizing that I need to just give them a break. So I'll try and get over it, if you all will try and get over yourselves too... cool? Okay, sounds like a plan!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

random booky quesiton...

so, i know this is completely random...
once i read a book about the assassination of hitler. it was a fiction story about this g.i. that snuck into the fuhler's underground bunker and smoke bombed the place and then assassinated the guy in the confusion. the version i read was the reader's digest version, but i can't remember the title of the book and i was looking for it cause i would like to read the whole version.
anybody heard of it?