Saturday, December 13, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

Okay, call it peer pressure... but Ranger and Jenna did it... and so here I am too... posting a list of my favorite things...
In no particular order and by no means an exhaustive list:
*the color green... anywhere, anytime
*getting really fired up when I am writing... so that my thoughts flow faster than my hands over the keys... (and they can go pretty fast!)
*making someone's day
*having loooooOoooOOoooong talks with my best friends
*hanging out with no agenda... but just to "hang out"
*being told to "shut up, you're beautiful" when I am putting myself down
*talking to, loving on, pouring into, being poured into by, sharing life with... people half the world away
*that amazing hush right after a snow shower... when its dark and all the world appears asleep as the last few flakes drift to the ground and you can see (and almost hear) your breath its so quiet
*making the first print in a sea of fresh snow
*Indian summer
*summer sunsets on the savannah in Africa
*having my "bubble" popped
*finding a verse that speaks to my heart, that I have never heard before
*driving in my car, with the bass turned all the way up, the windows down, sunroof open, singing at the top of my lungs... (so long as no one else can hear me!)
*outdoing boys at their own game... (yeah, embarrassing, but true; it brings me a lot of pleasure!)
*praying until tears come, or I am shouting at the heavens, or I finally feel peace
*cooking, mindlessly cleaning, running errands efficiently, and other things domestic...
*sleeping with the windows open; falling asleep to music; falling asleep exhausted and content; falling asleep near a loved one...
*Mountain Dew or Chai tea, based on the need of the moment
*finding/thinking of/singing songs that speak directly to the heart
*pretty much anything African... or anything that can remind me of something African... (hmm, can we say obsession?)
*surprising people (usually pleasantly, but sometimes just to see their reaction)
*giving a gift that makes someone cry
*being creative -- art, crafts, decorating, yeah...
*having and making plans (even ones I have little-to-no hope of ever carrying out)
*knowing I am loved, without hearing any words
*saying "I love you" without words
*"tromping" in the timber
*spinning around in a field of wildflowers or atop a hill as if I am Maria VonTrapp in the Sound of Music
*the smell of tractor grease and hay dust in old barns and farm trucks
*pretending I am really bad ass...
*wearing flip-flops and hoodies
*having "I-don't-care" moods
*listening to people's problems, asking that perfect question, seeing the light dawn as they realize they have known all along what they need to do about their problem, directing them back to Christ, loving them, and praying for them
*that sore feeling you have the day after you worked out really hard
*those moments when everyone in my family is laughing together
*the smell of baking
*bare-feet (anytime; but especially fun when squished deep in some good 'ol dirty Kansas mud!)
*knowing a little bit about everything, and using that information at opportune times...
*freedom (physical, governmental, spiritual, emotional, financial, relational)
*the number 7
*my God... even when I don't understand what He is doing, and when I am stupid and rebellious, He still loves me


Jenna said...

Top ten reasons that I loved reading your list (notice this is ONLY the top ten):
-Outdoing guys at their own game.... ha! I remember the extensive conversation we had about this one time while attempting to get lost in the country.
-You've made my day numerous times
-I love having looooooong talks
with you.
-We hang out with no agenda most of the time.
-we both like to fall asleep to music and with loved ones
-You've asked me questions numerous times that shine the light
-because you really are bad ass
-I now look forward to tromping through timber together... cheesy, but true.
-I didn't know your car had a sunroof, and I love discovering new things about people... or even peoples possesions in this case.
-And last but not least (drumroll please) because you are a blessed gift from God given to me so that we can encourage each other as sisters through the King.

Oh, and one more thing... you're going to be my roomate!

Jo N. said...

"-because you really are bad ass" -- lol, Jenna you make my day!!

Liz.EJ.Lizzard.Elizabeth. said...

I especially liked the fallen snow favorites. I love that too, next time it snows, you and me babe!