Friday, December 19, 2008

Chillin' in the Rad

So, I am sitting in the Rad and facing the windows, and it is amazing how many people that have walked by that I know!
Normally I credit my Dad with being the one who knows everyone and their dogs... (haha... funny, he is actually one of the people that I saw! hope he enjoyed his Chipolte!)
So, yes, confession: I am a people watcher. *sigh* Now you know! But seriously, I am one of those people that actually make a study of human nature in general, so sitting in a quiet coffee shop and watching everyone out of the plateglass windows, while it sounds slightly (ok, REALLY) creeperish, is actually really interesting.
I thoroughly enjoy psych classes too, well, and sociology, and human development, and cultural studies, and... well, you get the idea. Learning about people and how they think and tick and work. Maybe one of the real reasons that I absolutely LOVED living in UG this summer. Because I got to actually live in a two bedroom flat with a family, and not stay in one of those stupid "Americanized" high rise ritzy hotels, I feel like I got to actually learn what life is like living in K'la. Man, I miss it! Life there was simple. Okay, that was a side note, sorry!
Learning about people... yeah, that is one of the biggest motivators in my life right now. So, any ideas on how I can do that for the rest of my life as like a lucrative job? Cause that would be really freakin' sweet! (okay, even without the lucrative part, I'll take it!)
But then, again, most of you know by now that I really love my job as a nurse... so add that into the equation too. So long as its not some every-day-the-same job. Yeah, so that has just been my realization recently: that I don't like to be doing the same thing for long periods of time.
So, if you get any ideas on how to utilize all these inclinations, and skills as something that can put a bowl of rice on the table and keep a fairly dry roof over my head... yeah, let me know, cause I am stumped at the moment!!
It's okay, though... I've got time... and I know God will show me exactly when I need to know!

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