Wednesday, December 31, 2008


A list of my dreams, aspirations, and expectations for 2009:

  1. I fully expect this year to be one of the toughest years of my existence, with school, work, bills, summer plans, stress... etc.
  2. I dream that this will be a year of defining... defining of character, defining of my life, mission, work...
  3. I aspire for this to be the MOST growing year in the Lord that I have experienced thus far.
  4. I expect to get challenged; to be brought to tears; to build relationships stronger with friends that are already close, learn to love new friends, and yes, even fall apart from a few old friends.
  5. I dream of dancing under my brilliant African stars, running in the rain on the dirt roads, falling in love again with everything that I have come to know as Africa.
  6. I aspire to fall in love with my Savior all over again.
This isn't all, but it's enough for starters... and really, its all I need for now.

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