Okay, so my current struggle is with knowing what to do...
So I have an abundance of counselers, but I feel like it is confusing me more than giving me wisdom!! How does one sort through their own desires, those of their family, their friends, and also ascertain what God's calling in their life is??
I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, and sometimes I wish that no matter what I did, people would still love me, and not judge me!! But here I am, with so many people that I love, and that I know love me, and while I love the fact that they care enough to offer their wisdom... I feel like every time one of them opens their mouth, I have something else to add into my equation that I hadn't thought of before. I know that I need to think through everything. But sometimes, I wish it were just me and God making my decisions, and not all these other things added into it...
And then I come back to the place where, ultimately, it is just me and God making these decisions. Who am I answering to, if not directly to my God? And who else answers to God for my decisions (no matter how much they influence them)?
See, if it is still on my shoulders, if it is ultimately just me and my God doing this thing... then I have a whole heck of a lot more freedom. And then I can stand back and look at the counsel from family and friends, as just that... counsel.
Not something that has to directly effect the way that I am functioning in my decision making process, but just something to think about, pray about, bring back to ask God about, ponder... But sans the pressure of always having to think that I am rejecting what they have to say if I decide against what they are telling me is a good idea.
Because, ultimately, I know that if my God is with me, who can stand against me??
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