Thursday, December 11, 2008

The "R's"

So, last night I was feeling quite down... okay, so it wasn't just last night, but it has been kind of a constant struggle as of late. Part of it has to do with work, and part of it has to do with living situations, and part of it has to do with some strained relationships with a couple of the men in my life...
But the fact remains that I was feeling... well, quite honestly, defeated. So I changed my facebook status to reflect such: "Jo is dehydrated, decelerated, dissatisfied, dissident, and dissenting..." Yeah, bummer status, huh? But that is honestly the way that I was feeling.
And the sad thing is that I just kept going with my life. I joked with my sisters, I dragged myself to lifegroup last night, I went to a staff Christmas party, I tried to be "up" and "happy", but it all felt empty.
Even sadder... those weren't all the "D's" that I was feeling and could have listed... disconnected, decapitated, dysmorphic,
depressed, dysrhythmic, deadened...
But sometimes God is gracious, and sorrow lasts for a night, but joy returns with the morning. About 2am, a very Godly man that I met online, left me a message saying that he hoped the "D's" would soon be replaced by "R's"... which seems an odd thing to say... until you think about it...
And then suddenly my mind was flooded with the promises of God...
enewal, R
elationship, Realness, Righteousness, Refreshment for the thirsty, Rest for the weary, Restoration for the wanderer, and the list goes on...
And the funny thing is that when I start to think about the pRomises of God, instead of the drudgery of this life, and suddenly all the "D's" start to blur and grow legs... they turn into "R's". I know that with my God all is not lost. I am not condemned to depression, but restored to His grace.
My new status: "Jo is
refocused, rejuvenated, re'rap'ed, and recommitted."

btw: check out this song... How It Used To Be

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I'm sorry you were having a bad day yesterday. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure it won't, mine was pretty damn depressing as well. Pun intended with the D's.... that first D was completely unneccessary, forgive me.
I'm glad you have progressed to the R's.