Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Oh, my goodness! God wants to stir our hearts; He wants to do great things in, through, around us... but we have a really clear-cut mission... and it starts from our knees!
There is something really humbling about prayer that really puts us in exactly the place that we need to be in order to really access the heart of God.
  • Our knees: coming to God in humility... now I have to admit right now, that I rarely actually get on my knees when I come to God in prayer, at least not literally. But in my heart, my will is bent, my mental knees are bowed to a God who is so much more powerful, and holy, and just, and wise than silly little old me! When we are coming to God with this kind of humility, He promises to hear our pleas. "The sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite heart".
  • Our eyes diverted: blocking out distractions... now, once again, I seldom actually close my eyes when I am actually praying. I like to pray with my eyes open, (kind of an extension of the thought of looking for God to act even while I am praying). Usually I find that I can pray when I am reading His word for inspiration, or if I am just looking off into space, (often His creation). I think that there is real benefit in prayer walking and praying for everything, everyone that you see as the Lord leads, but I also see benefit in closing out everything around you and communing directly with my Savior.
  • Our hearts broken: its almost impossible to come to God without feeling a certain degree to dependence, brokenness, insufficiency, etc... Mostly I think that is because the healthy don't need a doctor, and Christ came specifically to minister to those of us who need a crutch for our broken leg. (and aren't too proud to admit it!) When I go to prayer without this heart, my pride puts up walls and I might as well be yelling into my pillow, because when my heart is not right before God, I don't feel that He is even inclining an ear to my prayer, plus my own heart isn't in it. When we come before God with broken and contrite hearts, we find that He is willing and ready, even eager to hear the cries of our broken hearts.
I am sure that there are dozens more ways that God brings us perfectly into prayer, but I just wanted to point out and highlight a few that have been really important to me in coming to know how to better converse with my Savior.
Feel free to add other points to the comment board...

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