Thursday, October 9, 2008

What God can Use: _______

So I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, (yes, you made the blog once again; don't you feel special!)... and was explaining one of my favorite passages in scripture. It is a really odd passage, but once I explain why it is so special to me, I think that you will understand and maybe you'll have a new favorite passage as well...
Preface: I am one of those people, like a lot of people that I meet, that struggles with feelings of insufficiency. Feelings that I will never be good enough, that I am not relationship material, that I can't be a good enough sister to my siblings, that I am incapable of loving my parents the way that they deserve, I can't be a good enough nurse, I can't live an example of a Godly life, I am not worthy of the respect of my friends, that I am unable... The list goes on, but that is not the point.
I stumbled across this passage one day, completely by accident. Its one of those passages that generally I would just have skipped over, but that day it struck a special cord in my heart, and has continued to ever since...
The passage is John 11:49-52--Basically, if you'll allow me to paraphrase, the priests are all gathering around and unhappy about Jesus usurping their position with the people... and they are like all plotting and grumbling and then the high priest speaks up and says "You know nothing at all! Don't you know that it would be better for you that one man die for the people than for the whole nation to perish."... and this in and of itself isn't that big of deal, okay, I'll give you that. But look at what the next verse says... "He didn't say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, and not only for that nation, but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one." This is the part that gets me! See this guy was advocating that they make sure that Christ was put to death... and yet God was still able to use this guy to prophesy His divine redemptive plan! That just blows my mind when I think of it.
First of all, how could God use someone who was so against His plan to actually accomplish His plan? I mean this is not one of those guys that you would really classify as being near and dear to the vision of God's heart! And then second, I think... if God can use someone like that... why do I not believe that He is able to use me? I mean, at least I am batting for His team, right? Would He not much rather use that open, willing, moldable heart, which we have offered to His service? Why is that so hard to trust that He is able? Even that He desires it? Oh, me of little faith...
So that is my passage of encouragement for you... that God is able to use anything and anyone to accomplish His purposes... But let me tell you, I'd much rather that He used me as a willingly servant! What are you feeling insufficient for today? Do you believe in a God big enough to use you? Even you?
So, fill in the blank.... What God can use: _____.... the answer is YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice :)