Sunday, September 28, 2008


Did you ever notice how when you have something that really needs to get done and it needs to be first priority on your page long list... that it is the last thing on the whole darn list that you even attempt to do?
I think that I read an article outlining this very thought once, so my apology's if it is highly unoriginal. The author of the article outlined a very clear way to procrastinate and still get things done. His theory was by putting something really not urgent at the top of your list, and focusing all your energy on convincing yourself that it needs done today... then you are free to complete all the other items before even considering working on it!
I don't know how many times I have come back to this principle in life. Like the fact that right now, I shouldn't even be on here, but I should be working on a project to go in a package that I need to ship out tomorrow... yeah, I don't think that it is going to be done...
So instead of getting busy, I am sitting here typing about how I should really be busy... anybody else see an oxymoron happening here?

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