Welcome to today: the age of the smart alek t-shirt.
I am sure that you have seen them. If not, track down a random group of middle schoolers and you are bound to find a nice selection of them. I used to peruse the guys section just to read them for laughs! (not that the girls section doesn't have them as well, just theirs aren't as funny)
So rules for proper t-shirt enjoyment
- If you see them in a store it is okay to read them, even out loud to a friend. Please feel free to chuckle politely at their witticisms.
- If you see them on a person, read at your own risk. A quick scan will probably get you most of the meaning. If you are a slow reader, go find the store they got it from and read it there... Don't ever attempt to read it while the person is wearing it, as this may cause awkward and uncomfortable moments as you squint at the writing blazing across their chest!
- Which brings us to the next rule. Never let it be completely obvious that you are indeed reading their shirt. If you do choose to read, do it descretely while their focus is on something else. The moment that they realize what you are doing, either divert your attention and pretend to be preoccupied with something else, or openly acknowledge in a backhand way that you were just admiring their shirt.
- NEVER, and I mean NEVER read the shirt out loud! This is committing the cardinal sin of t-shirt etiquette. First of all, unless you read it right, it is bound to sound stupid (wrong inflections of tone give some things an entirely new meaning) or you may not get the meaning right away, and that little pause between when you get done reading, and when you actually start laughing can be... well, awkward.
- If you do attempt and successfully read their shirt while they are wearing it... it is perfectly acceptable to comment on it. Keep it simple, either rephrase the shirt's main premise, and laugh, or just casually comment on the shirt in the broad sense. Example: "Niiiiice," or "Haha, love the shirt!" Simple is better. (watch for reaction and see if the first thing that they do is not look down to see which shirt that they put on today! Hilarious!)
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