Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Be Strong and Courageous

So, I was at prayer meeting yesterday, and we were just praying for campus ministries here in town. During the course of prayer, we kept coming back to God raising up leaders that would be full of courage and boldness.
With my lightning sharp Bible skill reflexes (uhm, so not!) there was one verse that came to mind, (cause sometimes God likes to impress upon our hearts something through scripture). Anyway the passage is from Joshua, where God is talking to Joshua, and telling him what is up.
So God is going along telling him, "Be strong and courageous... you're going to lead the people... be strong and very courageous... obey all the commands that I gave you... don't depart from my law... Have I not commanded you: be strong and courageous... Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." --
So I was just reading through and praying this verse over the leaders lives, even those whom God would raise up. (and let me tell you right now, I dislike praying that God would raise up people, because all too often, He wants me to be the one raised up... and the pressing on my heart to pray for it is merely His way of preparing my heart for the task! So I am constantly praying these prayers with a full understanding, that I need to also be willing to be the answer as well as the pray'er.)
Just thinking how often people go to the "great commission" passage as God's promise to never leave or forsake us, but I wonder if most people realize that it is also just as clearly stated here? The thing about God raising up people for Himself is that we don't need to be afraid (like I always am!) that God is going to get us into some sort of situation that we can't handle... (Seriously, what can we handle?)
He has commanded us specifically to be strong and courageous! Not terrified, not discouraged, He is with us! No greater power ever stood behind a single human being! It makes me think of Aragorn in LOTR (sorry for the silly analogy) when he was hopelessly in defeat at Helm's Deep, and yet when others would have given up "What can men do in the face of such reckless hate?", he responded, "Ride out and meet them!". Because there is no timidity, no doubt in Christ. Our hand may tremble with the sword, but it does not drop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good reminder, very good reminder- thanks! :D