Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Oh, my goodness! God wants to stir our hearts; He wants to do great things in, through, around us... but we have a really clear-cut mission... and it starts from our knees!
There is something really humbling about prayer that really puts us in exactly the place that we need to be in order to really access the heart of God.
  • Our knees: coming to God in humility... now I have to admit right now, that I rarely actually get on my knees when I come to God in prayer, at least not literally. But in my heart, my will is bent, my mental knees are bowed to a God who is so much more powerful, and holy, and just, and wise than silly little old me! When we are coming to God with this kind of humility, He promises to hear our pleas. "The sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite heart".
  • Our eyes diverted: blocking out distractions... now, once again, I seldom actually close my eyes when I am actually praying. I like to pray with my eyes open, (kind of an extension of the thought of looking for God to act even while I am praying). Usually I find that I can pray when I am reading His word for inspiration, or if I am just looking off into space, (often His creation). I think that there is real benefit in prayer walking and praying for everything, everyone that you see as the Lord leads, but I also see benefit in closing out everything around you and communing directly with my Savior.
  • Our hearts broken: its almost impossible to come to God without feeling a certain degree to dependence, brokenness, insufficiency, etc... Mostly I think that is because the healthy don't need a doctor, and Christ came specifically to minister to those of us who need a crutch for our broken leg. (and aren't too proud to admit it!) When I go to prayer without this heart, my pride puts up walls and I might as well be yelling into my pillow, because when my heart is not right before God, I don't feel that He is even inclining an ear to my prayer, plus my own heart isn't in it. When we come before God with broken and contrite hearts, we find that He is willing and ready, even eager to hear the cries of our broken hearts.
I am sure that there are dozens more ways that God brings us perfectly into prayer, but I just wanted to point out and highlight a few that have been really important to me in coming to know how to better converse with my Savior.
Feel free to add other points to the comment board...

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Did you ever notice how when you have something that really needs to get done and it needs to be first priority on your page long list... that it is the last thing on the whole darn list that you even attempt to do?
I think that I read an article outlining this very thought once, so my apology's if it is highly unoriginal. The author of the article outlined a very clear way to procrastinate and still get things done. His theory was by putting something really not urgent at the top of your list, and focusing all your energy on convincing yourself that it needs done today... then you are free to complete all the other items before even considering working on it!
I don't know how many times I have come back to this principle in life. Like the fact that right now, I shouldn't even be on here, but I should be working on a project to go in a package that I need to ship out tomorrow... yeah, I don't think that it is going to be done...
So instead of getting busy, I am sitting here typing about how I should really be busy... anybody else see an oxymoron happening here?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Scattered Thoughts for the Day

1. Okay, so the 2 jalepenos in my salsa, instead of the usual one, may have been a huge mistake... and the fact that I decided to leave some of the seeds in the peppers... yeah, cause its not like that is the absolute hottest part of the pepper!!! Brilliancy Joanna!
2. I think your computer runs smoother/faster if you complete the defrag on a schedule...
3. Random people that add you on facebook, and you have no friends in common, and you don't know what their connection with you is... yeah, do you add them as a friend, and then ask them who they are? or do you ignore them? or do you assume that you just forgot them accidentally and wait for them to say something that would remind you that you do indeed know them?
4. Hillsong United -- uhm, yeah, check out their music!
5. IM-- the most absolute best way to waste ridiculous amounts of precious time. Must participate in at least 5 conversations at the same time to get the full effect.
6. Procrastination and complacency are so easy. Live each day as if on purpose.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Diverse a' Teas!

So, as my friendly wait staff at the best coffee shop in the country have duly informed me... there is more to the world than Chai tea!
Shocking, I know! I had formerly been completely convinced that there was only one kind of drink to be had at any coffee shop, and while Chai still holds a very dear spot in my heart, I have discovered the beauty of many different tea lattes here recently. Yesterday it was a peppermint, lemon, honey tea latte! Amazing, and very therapeutic... imagine if you had a cold! Then today it is a tropical tea latte, which has hints of citrus! Also delicious and fruity!
So, what does discovering different kinds of teas have to do with anything? Great question... I had a discussion with one of my good friends the other day about how we are similar and how we are different, (and let me tell you right now, there is probably more on the different end of life.) We were actually talking together and questioning how we were even friends at all, because our lives are so opposite. At the time, I told him that I would have to write a blog post about it, but when I got back to the computer nothing was coming.
Now, as I am sitting here enjoying my diversity in teas, I think back to the conversation, and realize that God gives us so many different people in our lives, (even those who are strangely different from us) for specific reasons. Sometimes we learn the most from people that we are really, really not similar with at all! The way they look at life gives us insight into our own all to often; and their zeal for new causes, leaves us questioning our complacency in our own. How often do they introduce us to new loves, new passions, new ideas, new joys?
Now, think for a minute about how often you shut down people that are really different than you. How often do you completely disregard them as a person, or discount what they have to say about an issue because it is something that you are not familiar with. Are we resisting the diversity that will bring growth? Are we shutting out exactly what God wants to pour into our lives?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are You Real?

When you tell me to put my heart out there,
You make is sound so good,
But how do I know you won’t take and break,
Like all these others would.
What makes you so different than the one before,
You sell something special; you have something more?
What do you have to offer?
-I’ve already given it away
Security, what can you offer?
-A genuine heart that will stay
What do you have to love me with?
-A dying love, but pure
Why would you want me anyway?
-I made you, I know you, but sure
-Doubt that I’ll really fulfill you,
-Question My motives of love,
-Spit in the face that is bearing your thorns
-Laugh at the One hung above
-Strung like a thief on a cross of rough wood
-Naked, and battered and scarred.
-Tell me that no, I can’t love you enough
-Convince Me that it’s just too hard…

Be Strong and Courageous

So, I was at prayer meeting yesterday, and we were just praying for campus ministries here in town. During the course of prayer, we kept coming back to God raising up leaders that would be full of courage and boldness.
With my lightning sharp Bible skill reflexes (uhm, so not!) there was one verse that came to mind, (cause sometimes God likes to impress upon our hearts something through scripture). Anyway the passage is from Joshua, where God is talking to Joshua, and telling him what is up.
So God is going along telling him, "Be strong and courageous... you're going to lead the people... be strong and very courageous... obey all the commands that I gave you... don't depart from my law... Have I not commanded you: be strong and courageous... Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." --
So I was just reading through and praying this verse over the leaders lives, even those whom God would raise up. (and let me tell you right now, I dislike praying that God would raise up people, because all too often, He wants me to be the one raised up... and the pressing on my heart to pray for it is merely His way of preparing my heart for the task! So I am constantly praying these prayers with a full understanding, that I need to also be willing to be the answer as well as the pray'er.)
Just thinking how often people go to the "great commission" passage as God's promise to never leave or forsake us, but I wonder if most people realize that it is also just as clearly stated here? The thing about God raising up people for Himself is that we don't need to be afraid (like I always am!) that God is going to get us into some sort of situation that we can't handle... (Seriously, what can we handle?)
He has commanded us specifically to be strong and courageous! Not terrified, not discouraged, He is with us! No greater power ever stood behind a single human being! It makes me think of Aragorn in LOTR (sorry for the silly analogy) when he was hopelessly in defeat at Helm's Deep, and yet when others would have given up "What can men do in the face of such reckless hate?", he responded, "Ride out and meet them!". Because there is no timidity, no doubt in Christ. Our hand may tremble with the sword, but it does not drop!

Monday, September 15, 2008


I really want to know why the beautiful moments and conversations in life always happen when you are supposed to be doing something else? Then, when you actually have time, nothing is going on, no one is free, no one wants to talk...
The most beautiful conversations happen when I am supposed to be doing homework. I have the best fun with my siblings when I should be getting ready to leave. And people call me on the phone to talk when I am at work. Kinda like it never rains, but it pours!
Is there some sort of magic equilibrium that I have yet to find, where you can balance out everything that needs to be done, but still be able to drop everything to spend time on what really counts in life?
Or maybe it is just God tugging on my heart and telling me that I need to be finding all my joy in Him alone, regardless.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Well, I am pretty sure that people have drowned in less water than what I just had to wade to get here today... Lets just say its rainy in the old town! What really doesn't help is that the cafe is definitely lower than lake level, so when there are really big rains... there is pretty much no where for the water to go! Hench the small creek that I waded this morning!
I should also tell you though that I really do love rain! One of my special joys and delights in life is walking in the rain! Especially a good warm summer rain, then I love to run outside and splash in the puddles that run down our street. (and yes, I know that is childish, but you really ought to try it sometime, because it is so much fun. I think it probably takes about a half a year off of your life every time that you do it!)
So I had the absolutely most heart felt talk with a guy once... and he was the oddest guy (completely covered in tattoos, always wore black, you know...) Anyway I was talking to him about walking in the rain, and we were looking out the window, (from work, which there wasn't any to do, hence the talk) and watching people in the rain. I think it is a very interesting study in human nature to watch people walk in the rain. Let me explain what I mean...
* There are the people that walk down that street and their every aim is to make sure that none of the rain gets on them. Not a drop, cause it might ruin their nearly immaculate appearance. Their umbrellas are up, and I might add, unnecessarily big! The gingerly step over or walk all the way around every puddle. Their chief goal, it appears is to never let themselves be spoiled with one drop of the precipitation.
* Then there are the people that don't much seem to care. It appears that the rain is simply one more obstacle that life has put in their way to slow them down. But they too have their umbrellas out, because goodness knows, "a little rain isn't going to slow me down, and I'll come out unscathed if it can be done!" They are oblivious to the rain, except as it impedes their progress forward. They however may march right through a puddle unswerving and unfeeling because it allows them to speed their journey.
* And of course there are the people that really seem to enjoy the fact that they were too cool to wear a slicker or use an umbrella. They appear not to mind too much the fact that they are trudging through the rain, getting soaked clear through, and their faces seem to say that "this is just my luck". As if life is one giant thunderstorm which they have no hope of evading, and have therefore found it much easier to just drag their way through it. "Puddles? Who cares, I am going to catch my death of pneumonia anyway..." Their eyes seem to want to release tears to fall down with the rain and mingle in one puddle on the ground.
* Then there are the people that glory in the rain. Somehow, I believe they have found the secret to life. These particular people may or may not sport an umbrella, they generally dress for the rain, but are not afraid to catch a drop in their hand. They didn't necessarily venture out today just because it is raining, but they don't mind it too much. Their eyes see the beauty in the rain, and while they are still realistically conscious of the results, they don't mind splashing through a puddle or two, even on purpose. They may be observed catching raindrops in their mouths. And standing in the street side current in bare feet, (while completely unsanitary), brings a strange sparkle to their eye. Its almost like the loveliness of the fact that everything around them is being renewed by the torrents somehow seeps into their hearts and renews them as well.
Okay, so what was all that, you ask? That was my futile attempt to put into living colors for you the beauty of suffering.
Yeah, I know, now you are completely lost. But think about it for a little while... then decide, when God brings suffering (rain) into your life what are you doing with it? Are you fighting it? Are you just trying to muscle your way through it? Are you allowing it to completely drain your joy? Or are you sincerely able to look up to the heavens from whence it pours and praise Him in the storm, knowing full well that all He wants to do is refine His work in your life by washing you pure with the water of hardship.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Last Will...

So when I was getting set to run over to Africa this summer for 6 weeks, I had pretty much no idea what I was getting into. Part of the time though, I did know that I would be up-country towards the north in what some of you may know as the "Invisible Children" region of Uganda. That area of the country has been/continues to be slightly unstable and I had no idea what all I might run into. With this degree of uncertainty, I decided to write a will in my journal that would state just some of what I would want if I was to die. (Does that sound really morbid?)
Now let me stop the story right there and just tell you that I am really not afraid to die. (Does that sound boastful?) Has to do with my amazing Savior, and His amazing love for me, and my trust that He really leads me in the ways that He wants me to walk in! So, lets just say that I was really not afraid at all to go to Africa, cause I really felt like that is where God wanted me, and it was complete peace! (Which is pretty stellarly amazing! (and yes, stellarly is a word!))
Okay, so back to the story, see... I was reading something today that reminded me of writing the Last Will and Testament of Joanna, and so I read back over what I had written.
It was actually kinda crazy. I think that everybody should try and sit down and write a will sometime. Just get out on paper all the things that you would want people to know if you were no longer around! It was one of THE hardest things that I have ever done. How do you fit a lifetime of love and laughter into a few words that you want people to know?
I remember crying as I was typing it, because there just weren't words to let people know how much I really appreciate their presence and contribution to my life! How do you tell that to someone in such a way that you really communicate it... because you are already gone, and all they have is a piece of paper that says "I loved you!".
The really sad thing is the my little sister, who is 10 years younger than me... and loves to use my computer got on and was looking for another file and accidentally found it. She said she cried so hard when she was reading it. That must have been even more rough than trying to write it; trying to read what someone else would want to say to you if they passed away!
Anyway, I was just thinking, partially from what I read today, what would I want people to remember about me after I am gone...
I think that definitely the first thing I would want them to think of what my love for God, but I am not entirely sure that if I died tomorrow, that is the biggest thing that would stick out about my life. Again, everybody should so totally do this just as a way of standing back and looking at your life... thinking of all the people that you really love and telling them as much... thinking of what legacy you are going to leave behind... realizing how little all the material things of this life are really worth... that you can't take it with you. "Naked I came into this world, naked I will return." -- nothing really matters more than the people around you and your relationship with God! That is really the only thing that you get to take with you...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

T-Shirt Etiquette

Okay, so I feel the burden to inform all of you uneducated people on the proper social rules for T-shirt etiquette. This burden has come upon me recently by the knowledge that many people are without said proper rules for functioning in todays society.
Welcome to today: the age of the smart alek t-shirt.
I am sure that you have seen them. If not, track down a random group of middle schoolers and you are bound to find a nice selection of them. I used to peruse the guys section just to read them for laughs! (not that the girls section doesn't have them as well, just theirs aren't as funny)
So rules for proper t-shirt enjoyment
  • If you see them in a store it is okay to read them, even out loud to a friend. Please feel free to chuckle politely at their witticisms.
  • If you see them on a person, read at your own risk. A quick scan will probably get you most of the meaning. If you are a slow reader, go find the store they got it from and read it there... Don't ever attempt to read it while the person is wearing it, as this may cause awkward and uncomfortable moments as you squint at the writing blazing across their chest!
  • Which brings us to the next rule. Never let it be completely obvious that you are indeed reading their shirt. If you do choose to read, do it descretely while their focus is on something else. The moment that they realize what you are doing, either divert your attention and pretend to be preoccupied with something else, or openly acknowledge in a backhand way that you were just admiring their shirt.
  • NEVER, and I mean NEVER read the shirt out loud! This is committing the cardinal sin of t-shirt etiquette. First of all, unless you read it right, it is bound to sound stupid (wrong inflections of tone give some things an entirely new meaning) or you may not get the meaning right away, and that little pause between when you get done reading, and when you actually start laughing can be... well, awkward.
  • If you do attempt and successfully read their shirt while they are wearing it... it is perfectly acceptable to comment on it. Keep it simple, either rephrase the shirt's main premise, and laugh, or just casually comment on the shirt in the broad sense. Example: "Niiiiice," or "Haha, love the shirt!" Simple is better. (watch for reaction and see if the first thing that they do is not look down to see which shirt that they put on today! Hilarious!)
Armed with these few simple rules, you are now ready to venture into today's jungle of fashion witty t-shirts and and you can now avoid the "creepy person" appearance! Enjoy your newfound freedom!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I got nothing...

So it is time again to write something to post, but at the moment I am feeling a bit empty... I am listening to radio on the internet... thanks to my sister who told me about this site! Great, that is just what I need! More music to get hooked on! Beautiful!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day...

So the funny thing about Labor Day this year is that I am really genuinely thankful to be not "laboring" today!
This weekend was really a challenge at work, and I got to do one of the most difficult things ever... I had to decide to have a good attitude! Yeah, I know those of you who know me well are now laughing, because I am one of those people that generally delights in being grumpy! Not that I usually am, but when I have reason to be a grouch I usually relish it!
This weekend at work I had opportunity to be really, really ticked off at any number of different people. And about my situation of working without adequate staffing... but instead:
I was really kind of brooding about this weekend all day on Thursday, and even part of the morning on Friday. But when it came right down to it, I kind of felt like God tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Now, Joanna, what are you gonna prove by being irritated all weekend? I have called you to joy, and it is in joy that you need to walk. Is anything impossible when I am going with you?" Not that His voice was really that audible or anything... just that is what I felt He was telling me as I read in the word, talked to people, and prayed through the situation. So, begrudgingly I dragged myself to work and attempted to put on the best face possible. And really God is so faithful to His promises... because He really doesn't put me in situations that I can't take care of with His assistance.
Turns out that nothing of really great alarm happened this weekend, just routine stuff. Workload was not bad and everything was perfectly able to be accomplished. God really provides exactly in that extent. There is no way that I would have been able to deal with anything crazy going on, which I believe He knew, and He provided perfectly for that! Sometimes I just marvel at how much He loves me and looks out after me!