Sunday, June 7, 2009

Random Recent News

1.) my nursing instructor honestly thought homeschoolers were Amish, because they wore skirts. way to loose my respect...
2.) i do, by the way, absolutely DELIGHT in trashing my "good Christian homeschooler" image. not to say that i want a trashy rep... but just to say, i hate being the goody two shoes all the time, and i don't think that a true Christ-follower would have that kind of rep anyway. i'm talking down and dirty living like Christ, and it sure as shootin' don't include having a upstanding pharisee kind of reputation.
3.) i apparently can be talked into just about anything... my roommate has succeeded in talking me into getting a puppy. is it okay to admit that i haven't told my parents yet because i am afraid of what they'll think?
4.) actually that is what is keeping me from sleeping right now... see puppies whine! incessantly! especially puppies that are used to sleeping with their brothers and are forced to sleep all alone in a crate. its hard not to feel sorry for the poor guy, but my bed is hardly big enough for me, and he's not potty trained, so no dice!
5.) when Demetrius is not whining... apparently he SNORES in his sleep! i would get one that did... i can't stand snoring, i never have been able to. in fact when i have a cold and can't breath, i also can't SLEEP because i wake myself up when i snore. one of the woes of living with Peach was that she definitely snores...
6.) i LOVE rain... its falling outside as i type this. so probably the most romantic thing anyone will ever do is kiss me in the rain... chills up and down my spine... yeah... okay, moving on...
7.) sometimes people unconscioudly tell me how much they love me, and it blows me away. just little things here and there. things they think of to do for or with me...
8.) my mom is amazing. she does the bulk of work taking care of my uncle who has ALS. last week she went to the doctor for something and they checked her blood pressure (like the always do) and it was high. she has a lot of stress in her life, and yet she shoulders it so well. if there are people on this earth that deserve the title 'saint', my mom is one of them.
9.) why do they always feel the need to check your blood pressure when you go to the doctors office. i can tell you right now its gonna be high! lets see... i'm not feeling well which is why i am here (=stress), i have to pay for this visit (=stress), i'm seeing a doctor who may have bad news for me (=stress), and/or i have a pathological process in my body causing physical stress... you think my blood pressure is gonna be high???
10.) btw... God's mercies are so new every morning! wow, let me just relish that for a bit! ... yeah, have i mentioned recently how much i really just love Him? even when sometimes things don't really make a whole lot of sense or i am not sure where He is going, though i am blindly following. its so amazing to know that i don't have to know every little twist of the path, because i have a guide, and i already know the destination. gotta purpose more to sit back and enjoy the ride...


Anonymous said...

I'd just like to point out that St. Peter may have been an assassin before the whole meeting Jesus thing. But he did wear a cloak, which is simular to a dress. And most likely he was appretenced, which is simular to homeschooling. Who knows, maybe he was Amish too!

Jo N. said...

lol, random David, random! but i love it!

Jenna said...

yep, haven't told your parents yet. OR YOUR ROOMATE!!

What kind is it?
