Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Roommate's Dog

My roommate's dog is the biggest spoiled brat in the world.
My roommate's dog stole my dog's bone from his crate, chewed on it all night, and then proceeded to parade it in front of my dog and growl at him when he went after it!
My roommate's dog also will act like she has to go out just to get the other dogs at the door so she can steal their toys or bones.
My roommate's dog also likes to chew on underwear and computer power cords.
My roommate's dog is essentially hated by everyone in my house except (obviously) my roommate.

but that's okay, i am secretly training my puppy to kick her scrawny little butt! (*insert evil laugh here*)


Jenna said...

SINCE WHEN DO YOU HAVE A PUPPY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!

Jo N. said...

oh, yeah, sorry about that... is it okay if i get a puppy Jenna?