Monday, February 23, 2009

So come to find out...

Spinach and Strawberry Salad... yeah, it keeps really well. Which is a good thing cause its been in my fridge for over a week now, and with my stellar fridge ridding skills, salads very rarely stand a chance!
I threw out something undistinguishable the other day. Very pretty array of blues, greys, whites, and the original yellowish substance; fuzzy texture too, like someone's velure jacket. (yumm!) I'm pretty sure it wasn't mine though, and unless somebody is taking microbiology and needed something to culture for endospores... I think it might be okay for that to hit the garbage. (I hope the cat that likes to raid our trash doesn't get sick... oh, wait, yes I do!)

Completely off topic, but... Group projects suck. I just got put on a team with perhaps the most over acheiving members of my class... crap! One of them genuinely is that smart, one is the perpetual question asker, and the other, well, I'm not sure about that one, but it can't be good. Basically meaning that I am going to have to work my tail off on this project to ensure that I get all my participation points... crap again!

In other news today though... the confidence is definitely back! Booyah! Gotta love how God is constantly renewing me like that! Man, He's good!
Speaking of which, I had a perfectly lovely evening last night talking with some dear friends about their weekend and how God was moving at a retreat that they went to. It was fun to hear/see the excitement in their voices/faces!

Hmmm... guess that's about it for now... I'm actually supposed to be sleeping right now, cause I am working until 3am tomorrow... we'll see how that works. I've only ever done that once before, and I was bushed the next day after that one, but dragged my butt back to work anyway. This could get interesting; I am planning on consuming at least 4 liters of Mt. Dew and that should take care of my consciousness for a while.
Experiment on!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

5 hour energy! Babay!