Thursday, February 12, 2009


So tonight during Ichthus God had some things that He kept bringing to the surface... It started during prayer before Ichthus. It was weighing on me to the extent that the devil actually had me wanting to leave the room, (with a great excuse of running slides). I should have stayed behind and had someone pray with me right then, but I ran... like a scared rabbit.
But God was not content to leave me alone. He sought me again, hidden up in the balcony running power point slides. And this time He almost brought tears. But once again, I had to keep clicking away, so no time to deal with these issues. Running again.
So afterwards, I knew what I needed to do... go home and pray things through. So I looked for any and every person that I knew to talk with them. Ended up having some amazing and encouraging convos, but once again running.
Returned home to find my roommate and friend headed out the door to a party. Invited to go along... and man... I paused for a long time.
This time however, I decided to stop running. No, I need to stay in tonight.
But alone in my empty house, I find myself once again running... I made a float, popped popcorn, checked all 4 of my e-mail accounts, peeked at my facebook, logged on to look at my grades online, checked my blogger dashboard.... I'm still running.
Decided to write this blog post... still running.
Decided to stop writing this blog post, get down and dirty, on my knees with the Lord. I know He's gonna tell me something I don't want to hear. I know I am going to cry. I know that afterwards I'll feel better. I know that its gonna be a struggle every day.

But this time, when I run... it needs to be into His arms. Not away.

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