I would just like to go on record and say that of all boring, stoic career choices... nursing is not one!
This was made especially apparent to me while working 3rd shift on Monday.
I have some really great colleagues that I work with at my nursing home, but I don't know if I realized how completely good natured they are... I picked up part of 3rd shift to help out and the aides immediately began plotting...
Apparently, nightshift has been having some problems recently. Plumbing problems apparently, because multiple times they have large areas of water on their clothes... very curious.
Well, for my official baptism into the sacred world of nightshift, they decided that I also needed to get in on this baptism. One of them lured me down the hallway with a bogus patient problem... and the other was waiting in the doorway of a vacant room to pop a water balloon all down my back!!
oh, yes... I kid you not!
They are just that vicious!
Now, to be fair... they did loan me a couple balloons for a chance to get them back... which I did quite masterfully, and with only minimal complications. But that wasn't the end... see, before I left they decided that since I was just going home to change anyway they should get me again.
2 more water balloons
I finally come in to say goodnight for the final time... and this time, hang the balloons... they chucked straight glasses of water at me!! (*apparently the original plan had also involved a backpack super soaker as well!)
But I still gotta love 'em! They stood at the door and waved as I drove my soggy butt off into the night.
Then last night, I was clocking out, and they came at me again! This time, they only got the back of one of my pant legs... but that was largely because of my swift foot action!!
Needless to say, I think it's obvious that while nursing may be one of the more stressful jobs out there... it also comes with quite the set of joys and just plain, downright fun!
Ooooh, these are my kind of co-workers.
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