Sunday, February 1, 2009


  • Homemade salsa, Steelers (my chosen team) victory in the SuperBowl, Mountain Dew, getting to wear jeans to work
  • Aggravating residents at work, rude family members
  • Meeting Fatuma from Uganda, who I was randomly sitting next to in church today... okay, well and actually listening to the Spirit, that I was supposed to talk to her, and finding out that we have SOOO much in common, and getting her phone number to call and talk later!
  • Today being the last day of the weekend
  • Saying goodnight to Jenna, and turning out her lights for her (I felt like a mom! lol!)
  • Knowing ahead of time that I won't get enough sleep tonight
  • Getting a compliment on the small size and functionality of my purse (booyah, take that all you purse packing ladies!)
  • My tests from last week still aren't posted, so I don't know how badly I failed them
  • Getting to talk to a certain "someone" before going to bed tonight
  • Finding an odd area of petechiae and excoriation on the bottom of my right foot
  • Picking up my maid of honor dress and shoes for a May wedding
  • Trying on the dress and finding out that it is too big
  • Knowing that with my God, every day is a gift meant to be used wisely, handled tenderly, loved completely, and lived fully.
p.s. guess the pros win...

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Thanks for shutting my light off... I was trying to stay awake until you got home, but I think I finally gave in right before you got home... then I could hardly say anything comprehendable, haha.