Thursday, August 21, 2008


So, I had this amazing discussion with a good friend of mine yesterday, and was trying to think how to put it in a blog post for today...
Just this, What is faith?
Of course dictionary definition: 1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2): complete trust. Or the, just as classic, biblical definition: Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Both similar.
My friend asked me then how I see that as working in everyday life. Especially as related to faith in God? My answer went something along these lines... Faith in my life is when I don't understand everything, but I trust that God does, and I am able to rest in that. Just knowing that what I don't/can't comprehend, my Savior does know completely so I have absolutely nothing to worry about. Faith isn't easy, its actually one of the singly hardest things I have ever had to do! But choosing faith over despair or worry is one of the wisest decisions ever!
This has got to be the hardest thing ever for people that want to know and understand it all. But God can't be put in a nice little box... if He was definable within parameters, He would cease to be God. It is His mysteriousness, the fact that His mind is undiscernable by our finite understandings that makes Him God! So somehow, we have to make up our mind to trust fall into the Arms that have borne us all our lives, unbeknown, unappreciated, unacknowledged, unloved, and still holding fast!
So, in every day life? When I don't understand what God is doing, but I trust that He has perfect plans for my life, (in fact, exactly what I would have chosen myself, if I could see the whole picture!) When I can't laugh for crying and believe that this too is part of His plan of prosper and not harm. Faith, I think, is a daily decision. We have to each individually decide every day if we are going to trust God, or ourselves for that day! The choice is ours...

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