Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Big 'Ol Mug 'O Chai

Well, here I am sitting in arguably the best coffee shop in the nation... and sipping down a massive mug of Chai. Because, I got this cup free (being my eleventh cup) and being the loyal customer that I am... Normally I only get the medium size, but since today's cup was on the house... why not go all the way? And when you are sitting in this kind of coffee shop, well it ceases to really be a question! (By the way - have you ever noticed how no electronic system counts Chai as an actual word? They always try and tell you that you spelled it wrong!)
So I was just thinking about several different topics for today's post... tossing around a few ideas, and just thinking about everything that I have been learning lately... (Because if you haven't noticed yet, life is all about learning. If you are not learning something new every day then you are not really living.) So lately I have been learning how dear one of my sisters is to me, to be in wonder and awe every day at how much my Savior loves me, to treasure my family, to love my friends more than my own desires, and how to humble myself, before I am humbled. Of course that is not all, because something new every day means a lot of lessons! But those are just a few to start out with.
So, now it is your turn... what have you been learning? Okay, so maybe you haven't been looking for it. Now is your change to try. Look today for what you can learn from your experiences, what is going on around you, even insight from those you hear or read about... look for it and I think you will be surprised with what you find!

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