Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thoughts and Smatterings

Normally, I am a huge New Testament kind of girl. I love the writings of Paul in particular, so its super funny/ironic that the verses that have blessed me the most in my reading through the Bible in a year have actually been in the Old Testament.
Of course I always love Isaiah, (its my love language, okay) but I've been super encouraged by the other OT books as well. Which is good since the Old Testament passages are ten times longer than the New Testament ones more times than not. I'm not gonna lie, usually I just skim over those passages since I feel like they are so boring and dry, but I keep consistently finding really precious nuggets of truth in these books and it still surprises me every time, even thought its been going on all year!
Ironically there are a couple of guys next to me in the coffee shop that are going over the same topic that I was just reading about in my morning devo: Melchizedek. Strange concept and yet the imagery is pretty strong. We have a priest who is a priest not just from descent, but from divine appointment. An intercessor between us and God. Namely: Jesus.
Yet another thing that I love about Manhattan and will miss when I am gone. Being able to sit in a coffee shop with so many people around me reading their Bibles and journalling. Its great not knowing them at all and yet feeling like you are connected just by the fact that they are seeking God as well. Sometimes it helps me to see them here, and makes me more motivated to continue seeking God myself.

In other news, I've been thinking about Uganda a lot lately. It scares me to think that I am going there soon (that is if God works everything out). But its a good kind of scary. The kind that I know I will hate, up until the time that I do it, and then I will love it to death, and never want it to stop!! (adrenaline junky? maybe). Anyway, I was planning on going this December to visit again and pray really hard core and look into some options for next year for a job or ministry to work with. The more I think about it though, the more I wonder if now is the time to do that... and honestly, I don't know the answer. I really, really, really, really, really miss the people, the culture, and the closeness to God that I feel when I am in Uganda. But that alone is not a good enough reason to spend money to hop a plane... I think...
But then again, it could be the devil's voice seeking to drown out my own. So I went ahead and bought tickets and booked my flights! And now I can't wait to go home, even if it will just be for 2 weeks. :)

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