Sunday, January 18, 2015

Life in the 256

When you work night shift... And your selfies start to have a dark element to them... And you kinda look like a serial killer... 

When you and your best friend ironically go to a multicultural wedding: you in a black and white dress, her in a white and black dress... 

When you get to have long chat convos with your sister and realize that God had her marry into your family as much to bless your life as your brother's...

When you discover the beauty of banana sushi... 

When you build a pintrest project for your kitchen and it doesn't fail...

Which brings us to today folks! Hope youve enjoyed your pictorial journey through the last few weeks in my life! 

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Hi Jo. So happy to see your blog still going! Unlike mine! But I'm going to start again. :)

Yay for pinterest!!