Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How To, Episode 2: Be a Good Example

Don't encourage your friends to become addicted to TV shows

Always behave with the up most decorum

Don't give yourself bangs

Always maintain proper hygiene

Don't engage in substance abuse

Always work hard while at work

Don't play with guns

Don't get tattoos
Don't encourage your friends to get tattoos

Keep your facial expressions respectful

Maintain a well balanced diet

Don't slip up and become a hipster


jenna said...

Did you really become a hipster?

Wish I would have taken a picture of that big roast I dared you to eat. What would you have called that one?

Don't encourage your friends to eat so much they nearly throw up?

Jo N. said...

No... I did not... Though I have been accused of it at times...

JLee said...

"Don't slip up and become a hipster." .WORD.