Saturday, May 4, 2013


So for all of this last semester I've been tweeting all of the outlandishly funny things that my kids say or do in the 3rd grade. As the year winds to a close, I thought I would share them with you. In order of most recent to least.

One of the kids used glue stick as chapstick today. #anotherdayin3rdgrade

My patient is writing a story about a monster. He named the 98 year old monster Mr. Joanna. #anotherdayin3rdgrade
(P.s it had one eye and was green.)

 How is "apoplectically" a 3rd grade vocabulary word? My suggestions: responsibility, appropriate, respect, or decorum #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 "Miss Joanna, I love your..." *makes sweeping motion over my outfit* "I just love your everything!" #stylefan #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 Its so lovely out here! Can we just have recess the rest of the afternoon? #asbadasthekids #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 "When they grow up they are going to get married." -my client, regarding the 1 year olds at the daycare. #anotherdayin3rdgrade

Some patterns were difficult to understand: the link between curly fries and high IQ scores was particularly baffling." #anotherdayin3rdgrade

"Actually that's not..."-me  "Shhh! You're spoiling the moment."-3rd grade boy  #anotherdayin3rdgrade

"They look like those fake nerdy glasses! ...But if they are real, they aren't so nerdy." #anotherdayin3rdgrade 

Miss Joanna, Jo-nana, or Nanny as I was called today. I just love the names kids come up with for me! #playinginmyhead #heartmelting

My client accidentally called me "Mommy" this morning. Is it bad that I find his embarrassment super cute? #anotherdayin3rdgrade

"What are you drawing on my bag?" -Me "An evil baby. He's saying, 'you stink'." -my patient #happyvalentinesday #anotherdayin3rdgrade
[Every kid in the class gave me a Valentine. I felt so loved by them all!]

"You look like you're 18!" -2nd grader. I might be old enough for this to be a compliment now... #anotherdayin3rdgrade

"You're finally back! And looking beautiful!" -student (I wasn't at school for one day yesterday) #oddcompliments #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 I had no idea that "Bluestem" refers to the official state grass of Kansas! #grassycoffee? #thingsyoulearnonKansasDay #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 "Miss Joanna, stay out of my daughter's dreams! I'm supposed to be her hero not you." -teacher/mom (jokingly) #anotherdayin3rdgrade
[ironically not the first time that students have told me that I saved their lives in their dreams. what does that mean?]

 Dance parties at school remind me of Vintage wedding #crazymoves #breakdancingcircles #toomuchenergy #wobble

 Today at school I learned that cheetahs can be tamed. Suddenly all my life goals seem accomplishable!! #petcheetah #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 "And you're my best friend!" -my patient #anotherdayin3rdgrade
[heart melting]

 Me- "And did they wave back?" 3rd grader- "Yes. Who wouldn't?!? We are delicate children!" #anotherdayinthe3rdgrade

 The more I hang out at a public school, the more amazement I have that kids learn anything there. Lack of understanding of special needs.

 "Man, teachers at this school are mean! But not u; u cool. So when I become president and take my revenge, you're safe."#anotherdayin3rdgrade
[Good to know I'm safe. Thanks. I think...]

 Usually I'm "Jo-nana"... But today I was straight up "Banana" instead. #3yearolds #gottaloveit

 My patient drew a picture of me today, complete with "crazy hair" (cz my hair's curly) and earrings. #totallyokwithit #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 Working with kids the day after Halloween is NOT FUN! #sugarhangover #notenoughsleep #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 "Guac-ah-mole-EE" #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 "When you get mad, do you get outta control? Well then, see! You'd be a great teacher!" #studentsrequirements #anotherdayinthe3rdgrade

 Geography lesson: apparently there are tigers in Africa and polar bears in Antarctica... #whoknew? #publicschools #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 "Miss Joanna, I have a cramp in my butt." "Dude, we're eating lunch here!" #boys #anotherdayinthe3rdgrade

 "We are sisters. We are all sisters 'cause God is our Father." #encouragingthings3rdgraderssaytome #anotherdayin3rdgrade

 My patient's little brother just tried to give me kisses... totally sweet except he's 10mo, has a cold, and gives open mouthed kisses...

 "Miss Joanna, you look really pretty with those earrings and necklace." --3rdgradeboy #thanksIthink #theyteach'emyoung

"Why don't you have any kids? Oh, I know, you can get one for your birthday!" #convoswitha3yearold 

#thatmomentwhen you are sitting with the kids at the lunch table & they are telling you that all their moms are your age... #old

"Did you go to school to become his nurse?" --question I got asked today. #duh

"Its like in Medieval times when they got off the Sunflower they signed a contract of rules." #MayflowerCompact #anotherdayinthe3rdgrade
[close, but no cigar]

 "Miss Joanna, I have dreams about you and I save your life!" #anotherdayinthe3rdgrade

 "Barbie Girl" and "If I Die Young" #songsheardontheplayground #sowrong

 Its soooo hard for me to stand back and let kids get their answers wrong! :( #sad #schoolnurse #overlyinvested

 "Man, they have some energy!" --3rd grader to me about her Kindergarten book buddy. #whatdoyouthinkweadultssayaboutyou?

 First day of school! So far, so good, but that may just be the coffee I chugged this morning talkin!

So many memories, laughs, hugs, and conversations. I'm going to miss all my crazy 3rd graders.

And I'm going to miss my favorite 3rd grader a lot. He likes to tease me about liking K-State while he likes KU and he'll get super excited about doing fun things together. I call him "Superman" (our special code word) when he needs to put in extra effort, and it always makes him feel better about doing something that is hard physically. I can pretty much just give him the "mom look" now, and he knows to do whatever he was supposed to be doing. He trusts me enough now to let me do all of his complicated medical processes, and even to "poke" him, if he needs his blood sugar tested. I love seeing that look of delight on his face when we talk about school and he remembers it clearly for his assignment; he always turns to me and says, "We talked about this, Miss Joanna!" He and I love to make up names to silly books and talk about movies. He calls my nephew my "baby" and like to compare him to his brother. But I think mostly I'll miss the times when he will lean up against me when he's tired, or bury his head in my arm when he's embarrassed, or even the way he likes to loop his hand in my arm when we are walking down the hallway. Its kind of comforting to be that familiar with a kid. I'm gonna miss that kid a lot.

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