Saturday, August 18, 2012

new life

a disruption in the flat line of life
an awakening of something buried in your spirit
an ethereal world of profound depth
suddenly your imagination springs to life
with words never uttered before in human consciousness
the freedom of dance to formerly shuffling feet
light shines from behind eyes that had darkened with worldly cares
and burdens to hard to bear alone, but yet you had.
originating somewhere yet unexplained
this infinite love springs up from some abysmal well of felicity
like a fountain from your inner soul.

you laugh, smile, dance
care not a fig for what others think of you
you are free, you are loved, you are completely at home.
there is not a dearer sentiment than the knowledge
it matters not what may come.
dreadful, ferocious storms may rage
your hope is firmly, immovably secure
nothing and no one can pluck you from His hand
comforting, sweet, blissful peace.

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