1. to whom it may concern: the dog collar aisle in your local PetCo is not the place to pick up chicks... and yes, your little labrador puppy is cute, but my weimeraner could eat him for breakfast, burp, and have enough room left over for mid-morning tea! please don't mistake my being a nice person for actual interest.
in other news though, Kala really loves her peanut butter filled bone. i didn't know they made these things, but its awesome! she always fussed at me anyway when i would make anything with peanut butter because apparently she loves it! (great way to get her to take pills by the way!)
2. my entire front lawn is a giant bog. And by bog i mean that there is not possible way to get from my car to my house without varying amounts of mud encased upon my shoes. i took the liberty of rearranging the stepping stones in my front yardish "area" yesterday so that i could possibly traipse the treacherous hill down to my lowly vehicle without causing a small mudslide. then i jumped up and down on them and felt like a complete moron/little kid. but apparently my shenanigans worked because after freezing in the ground last night they were very firm this morning when i went to use them.
also i need to decide by the end of this month if i want to sign another 12month lease on my apartment, which will mean that i will not be able to move to Uganda this year as I had hoped. which leaves me with a huge sinking pit in my stomach.
3. kangaroos and emus can't walk backwards. i don't know why, but yahoo said that they can't. personally i think this may be a matter of classical conditioning. if i could kick-box the life outa someone, i wouldn't ever back away either... just sayin'...
4. i soooooo want to go to night school and learn how to make my own shoes. okay, so obviously i am watching P.S. I Love You. i still really want to know how to make my own shoes, i mean how cool is that? i could totally pull it off right? i'm creative enough. and it would save me and my shoe crazy friends and sisters a lot of money if i could just make them! how cool would that be to get a custom made pair of shoes for your birthday? i mean really! you know you would be impressed and don't pretend otherwise.
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