Friday, February 12, 2010

Quotes of the Day 1.1

Religion-- who needs it? A list of endless, dead rules. As ancient as the people that invented them. Give me a vibrant, real relationship with a God who loves me regardless of how unworthy I am when I come to Him, and how bad I continue to mess up in my life. Give me the freedom of choice, let me live a crazy all out life that looks silly to starched collars... yeah, that's my type of religion. Not to say that I am against organized religion... just those who think that going to church on Sunday is enough. If you don't have a real relationship with God, it aint worth squat!

Faith -- My Jesus is my everything! Seriously, He's what gets me up in the morning and why I can sleep at night. He's my lover and my best friend. I've tried life without Him, and let me tell you it wasn't worth it! Faith is what makes me smile in the hard times, cause I know He is still faithful. Faith is that fire that drives me to go do crazy things, to love completely, live openly, and share unconditionally.

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