Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Trouble than its Worth

I totally feel like a underpaid Taiwanese child in a bamboo blind factory...

... let me explain...

My bedroom window in my house faces the street, and while our house is a generous ways back from the street, my windows are completely unprotected. In the rain, I get to hear every splitter-splatter of drops that hit my window, and in the summer, the scorching sun burns straight through whatever window covers are in place and turns my bedroom into a veritable oven. This much being said... I have had some window covering issues. Yes, yes... I know I have blogged about window coverings in the past. (and thank you, the new curtain rod is doing quite nicely) However, these particular venetian blinds were already in a sad state when I first laid claim on the room more than a year ago... and have since only proceeded to get worse. You know how when you break one of the blinds in a venetian blind, you might as well throw it away, because there is pretty much no salvaging it after that? Yeah, that would pretty much be the case here. I had lived with them for over a year though before my conscience and pocketbook and better judgement and frustration all agreed that I should replace them.
And I did.
What I wanted... (and you know that always starts a complicated story)... was wooden blinds. A beautiful dark red wood to go with my dark tones in my room and accent the burgundy curtains. Yeah, come to find out those are kinda expensive. Well, my conscience and pocketbook and better judgement and frustration would not agree to them, so I ended up with some bamboo blinds. Half the cost, same color, more "safari", and possibly the same amount of fun!
Wrong again.
I failed to realize that the bamboo was not tied close enough together to keep out much light, or keep in much sight... oops!! (remember my room faces the street)
Soooo yeeeeaaaah...
My mom graciously gave me some burlap fabric. Its heavy duty, and it'll get the job done. Now all that's left to do is painstakingly sew the burlap onto the back of the blinds. I have almost 1/2 of one blind done. And I feel sooooooo sorry for child laborers that have to do this kind of thing. I want to pull my hair out a little bit at the moment. But allow me to finish. Maybe I can have something on my windows by tonight.
Maybe, just maybe... in about 3 weeks, when I've forgot how hard this was to do... I'll think it was worth it. We'll see. At the moment, I am highly doubting.

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