Sunday, October 18, 2009

i feel your pain...

i feel your pain
and it kills me a little inside
i feel the hurt from love lost
how he turned away from you
ran after another
as if you were cheap
and easy to obtain
not the priceless jewel you are

i feel your pain
that hurt of nothing going right
your body adding aches
to an already burdened heart
wondering how you'll make ends meet
live forward to another day
find something, anything to keep you
afloat on torrid seas

i feel your pain
that depression that doesn't lift
cause try as you might
you can never do it all
there's always something more
and at the end of the day
blessed sleep won't come
for your tired heart

i feel your pain
that ache of loneliness
nothing can fill
because you are alone, so alone
busyness is a weak cover
and sometimes you just need someone

i feel your pain
another tear over another grave
all you want is no more death
those dearest to you nearest to you
but life has a strange way
of leaving its participants shortchanged
by the ceasing of others participation
and the pang runs deep

i feel your pain
that constant strain
grating at your nerves and driving you
and the harder you try
smoothing edges becomes
sharpening daggers
til those who should love you best
cut you worst

i feel your pain
who feels mine?

i feel Your pain
left alone to face this fate
You don't deserve
abandoned by those You hold dear
exposed, insulted, heartbroken
now acutely aware
i don't feel Your pain
i am Your pain

i feel your pain
because He felt mine

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