Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day #4 of De-Tox

Let me just go on record and say that my life without caffeine is not bad... except for that part where I've had migraine headaches every day!! ohmyword!

Lets just say that I wasn't really planning on that repercussion from this rehab therapy.


Anonymous said...

Can't say I didn't warn you. Take it from a caffeine expert > Black Tea. Just a little caffiene in the morning before lunchtime can prevent those nasty headaches. Do that for a week or so and then cut it out all together. Also, if you even think a headache is comming on, take two extra-strength tylenal (not that whimpy motrine stuff).
So sit back, and have a cup of chai! BTW, I didn't think that I'd ever be giving you detox advice.

Jo N. said...

I should have thought of that, but I decided to go from 3 cans a day to almost cold turkey... yeah, bad idea.
I had some pepsi the first day, but since then the most I have had is green tea. One week in and I think I've passed the really nasty detox part, so it should be smooth sailing from here out!
BTW... I never would have imagined that you would be either!!