Monday, August 10, 2009

Take 17

So, this is, I believe the 17th try at writing something since coming back from UG. Every time I start I get snagged... maybe on the fact that a lot of things changed, and yet nothing did. How is one supposed to sort through that and figure out what to keep and what to cast aside. I think I'll just start listing things I've heard and learned and seen, and see how far I get.

1. Love: God totally reminded me about the depths and heights and indescribablness of His love (p.s. yes that is a word). I'm not sure that I appreciated all of His methods of doing that. One of them involved the death of my uncle in my absence, one of them involved way too much thinking time alone. But there were good reminders, like the sermon at my friend's church one sunday, and the love of the brotheren that got showered out. The love that people that I should hate and I showered on each other, evidence of the power of God's forgivenness. Really powerful stuff. Huge reminders to live every day fully dwelling in God's love, to pour into other's lives out of my excess overflow of that love, and leave the results to God.

2. Drama: its all around us every day. We have to make a conscious desicion to either ignore the elephant in the corner, make the biggest deal about it possible throwing peannuts at it and poking it alternately, or... and imagine a world where people did this!... actually just deal with it! So many people blow things out of porportion. I don't have the patience for that. If there is a problem, lets deal with it. Lets freakin' quit leaving everything unresolved, undiscussed, and undone.

3. Comfort: is overrated. Give me a brick and stucco house, a charcoal stove, and a hole in the ground out back. That's living. Not to say that I don't appreciate what I have here in the US... just that its overrated. When we get to a place where we can't change, adapt, do with less... then we have failed in our Christian walk. (yes, i realize that is a hugely bold statement, but think about it...) To the extent that we are not able to give up anything, everything, all our comforts, for the sake of Christ, then how can we possibly think that we will be okay with giving up all of our selves our very lives for the sake of Christ?? Yes, it does sometimes give me pause. Especially when I think of the verse where Christ says that whoever is not willing to give up mother and brothers for His sake was not worthy of the kingdom of heaven. But then I remember what He gave up for me... and I lift open hands... take all of me.

4. Grade school was good (primary school). Remember back in the day when you didn't have a car, or tuition, or bills, or significant others, or where your next meal would come from to worry about?? Yeah, those were the good old days!

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