Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So I've been thinking a lot recently about all that I want in a guy, which is ridiculous, because I am the last girl out there that wants one right now... But none the less, here I am typing all about it to post online! Yeah, like my sweet mother likes to remind me, just cause I have a college degree doesn't mean I am smart... Yeah, I know, she's very supportive!

Two different friends posted qualification lists in their notes recently, and I thought it was interesting, and wondered if I would be able to do that, and in as few steps? So here goes...

1. Godly. OMGoodness, I can't even begin to stress how much that means to me! In any relationship that I would even consider being in, I would have to be absolutely certain that I was not the spiritually strong one. It just wouldn't work. I think that in scripture it is very clear that the husband is to be the head and the leader, and that also means spiritually. And, I would expect him to choose allegiance Christ over me, if it ever came down to that, and to want me to do the same. Now I realize that this criteria eliminates a HUGE majority of the candidates, so I also realize that this may mean that I remain single the whole rest of my freakin’ life, and I’m actually okay with that.

2. Single. Nuff said? Don’t make me explain this one… doesn't matter how much I like him, if he's seeing someone, he's off limits.

3. Kind. So this one is totally biblical. (check Proverbs ~ “what is desirable in a man..”, yes I was listening Daddy) I think this one is slightly self explanatory as well. No jerks allowed! Keep it kind and honoring or you’re out. But seriously none of this overkill stuff. Sticky sweet is not a turn on for hard-core-(wanna-be)-girls
like me. Keep it real. (See next #.)

4. Honest. You can say it lots of different ways… keeping it real, not leading on, being who you are, up-front, truthfulness. I also can’t express how much I really value this quality in guys. Even if you know that the girl is going to chew you out or otherwise maim and mutilate you, just tell the truth. I want things up front and honest. And you can bet that I’m not going to even consider being anything else with you if you’re honest with me. You know you value it in us girls, so give us the courtesy of returning the favor.

5. Strong of Character. This one is purely me. To perfectly complete me I would totally need someone who would be my stronger half. Now, I’ll give you that is not an easy order for a girl who loves to be independent and stronger-than-thou about everything. It still never ceases to amaze me when guys pick up on this and go ahead and take charge, I may fuss a little, but I really like it. But if I was to be in a relationship it would have to be with someone who really could look at all my stubbornness and independence and say, “that’s why she needs me so much, because she can’t always be strong”.

6. Love Kids. Okay, this one is just me too. I love kids, and I want a lot, (although that opinion is subject to change pending pregnancy experience). (and by the way, “a lot” isn’t like 11, its more like 5-7, but negotiable). I’ve got to be straight here… nothing turns me on like a guy who loves to play with kids and genuinely interacts with them on their level, but not down to them. Yeah, that’s hot!

7. Physical. Okay, yeah my dream man also is slightly attractive. Yes, I am a real woman, and whoever said that guys were all visual, obviously forgot that girls like eye candy too. I like them taller and built (mmm, arms). Not too picky about this one though, because most of the time the other qualities shine through and you don’t even notice the shell.

I took this off my facebook page because I've laid this search to rest. But I thought I would keep the initial plan around for evidence of God's complete faithfulness to answer our prayers with more than we could ask or imagine!

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