Monday, April 27, 2009


So I was sitting in class today, and they were talking about schizophrenia.
Man, my butt didn't want to stay still in that seat!
See to me, what they were describing as schizophrenia, sounded a whole lot like what I would categorize as straight up demon possession!
I know, way to be nice and subtle about it! Approach the issue tenderly, like a good mercy gifting! Way to go, Jo. Nice work!
But seriously! Have you ever listened to an interview with these cats? They are messed up! I mean really! And I know my enemy well enough to know what he sounds like! If I heard voices like that... well, I'd sure as hell (double meaning intended) know where they came from!
Okay, weird thing though...
A year or two ago, that would have totally freaked me out. I would have had shivers up and down my spine just thinking about it. And the fact that in less than a weeks time I will be the person providing care for these people, and I have yet to get really freaked out about this is well... probably having to do with the Divine.
I am not by nature a completely throw yourself out there in the thick of the battle kind of person. I still get continually amazed when God lets me venture out cautiously into the battlefield and I don't get completely slaughtered! Seems He's given me more strength than I thought... or maybe its just a different strength than I thought... (for more thoughts on that... talk to me about it sometime).
Anyway, so I was talking to my dad today. (who is, in fact, a pretty stellar person, and you all should def meet him!) ... but anyway, I was talking to him about this subject and low and behold... his conclusion was exactly the same as mine! I was expecting him to do a little arguing before seeing my point of view on this. Must have forgot about his Social Science major... (think abnormal psych...). Anyway, he was telling me how I needed to be really prepared with prayer and all, because if indeed I meet up with any of these cats, they are going to know who I am, and Who is in me. (fyi, my dad didn't actually refer to them as "cats", that was my own interjection).
I'm not sure what to think about that. Its actually not something I had thought about before. That schizos (who do have demonic stuff going on) are going to be completely adverse to even my presence, when it reeks of the Lord.
Anyone freaking out yet? Cause I actually feel more freaked out about the assignment that I need to turn in before I go to work tonight. Strange, huh?
Anyway, this is an APB of sorts out to you all... could I get some prayer for my time at Larned next week? I'd really appreciate you all praying a hedge of protection around me while I am there. I think I am going to need it. Definitely up against a lot of spiritual warfare from what it sounds like. And of course I have to be a professional nurse, and can't go performing any exorcisms... so this may be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. To be within a yard of hell, and professionally unable to extend a hand to snatch them from the flames! Crap, now as I am typing this all, God is building in me a love and compassion for these people! But for the grace of God, I would be exactly where they are today.
Pray for me guys. I think this might either break my heart or my spirit.
I'll be at Larned State Mental Hospital most of next week... back on Thurs... if they let me leave!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think... (5 min later)... yeah, I got a song about that. "War of the Minds" - Flame