Yep... that's about the story of my life right now. Depressing huh? Weeeeeellllll not really...
See, even in the midst of all this craziness and not getting enough done, and having to work too much, and not having any time for my friends, or even time to THINK... I feel like I am being renewed every day!
Like the week before last. It was relaxing and stressful at the same time. I had several issues to work through over break and it wasn't the most mellow of topics,(i.e. huge stress possibilities), and yet I can't say that I came out of it with anything but peace! Part of that came from some very definitive God time up on Walton's Mountain... but some of it also came from a 9 hour (round trip)car drive up to NE to visit an old friend, and a very new friend (had just met her on Monday!). It was good to sit and visit with my old friend over some (MMMMmmm) Godfathers pizza. (interjection here that I really, and I mean REALLY, like Godfather's pizza, but the one here in town closed a number of years ago, and I haven't been able to get my hands on any since then) Just reconnecting and hearing what God is doing in both of our lives was neat. Even though God is leading us down really different paths, and in different places, He still is directing our steps towards Him, and its neat every once in a while to look up and see someone else going the same direction, even if they are walking on a different path. Just kinda do the spiritual "whazup" head bob, and you are instantly encouraged!
And it was really neat to meet this new friend. Like I said, I had just officially met her on Monday of that week, and we had talked for a long time while I was still in Colorado. When I got back to Manhattan, it was weird, but God was just like, "Jo, you need to go visit her." And in my natural incredulity, I was like, "Uhm, excuse me? I don't know what You are thinking God, but I have about 4 papers to write, and a test to study for! I can't just take off and run up to NE for the weekend!" But God wouldn't stop His nagging (can I say that without being disrespectful of His supremacy?). And so on Saturday I decided to get done what I absolutely had to and take off Sunday morning for a 5 hour drive up into the flatlands of the cornhusker state!
Well, God really knows what He is doing when He lays stuff on our hearts like this... (not that He doesn't always, but you know what I mean...) I think I was the biggest blessing in a friend that she had ever met! Now, I should back up and tell you that I had only met her because she was a former coursemate (read classmate) of one of my dear brothers from Uganda. He was telling me about this friend of his, and how she was in the US and going to nursing school, and that I should be her friend on facebook and meet her. (now, I think that some of my dear peeps from Africa *bless their souls* don't really understand how big the US is, being as their countries are so small (like the size of our states)... so I'm always cautious about distance judgment) So, I asked where she was going to school... come to find out its in NE... not so far away... though why anyone from Uganda would want to go to small town NE to go to school is way beyond me!! Anyway, her English is immaculate, but like any foreigner, she is scared and shy of interaction with us crazy Americans. Almost all of her friends on campus are international students also. I am the first white American that has taken an interest in her, and it completely blew her away that I would drive 5 hours out of my way to visit her!
Man, I wish I could bring that much joy to people's faces more often! I was so nervous that as I was driving into town, I started to actually shake and second guess myself. Thinking, "why the heck am I doing this? I don't even know this gal! We've only just started talking to each other!" It could have been WAY awkward...
The moment that I stepped out of my car though, man it hit me... a wave of love. Like an almost magnetic connection. She got wrapped in her first "american" hug, and we proceeded to love on each other the rest of the night! I didn't want to leave... and had to tear myself away around 2300... rolled back into town at around 0330
Yeah, so that was my kick-off to one of the most awfully stressful weeks of my life...
First of all, let me just say that I like order, structure, organization. Not that I am good at it... as the obvious disarray of my room currently demonstrates quite poignantly! But that is how I function best. This last week was a MESS.... wait let me spell that out for you... M E S S.
Nothing was in order, nothing got done well. I felt like I was running from one half-ass project to another... kinda helter-skelter! My schoolwork was overwhelming, tiring, then just plain ridiculous... and I won't even START on my work situation!!
Really amazing thing... God is still soooo faithful! and my friends are really amazing at encouraging me!
In fact last, night I got home from some really discouraging situations at work, and my roommates had taped encouraging messages all over my room, and filled the floor with balloons!
And don't even get me started on God, cause flair pray'rs... yeah, consistently being used right now, and let me tell you... He is faithful, even when we are faithless!
Here goes another week! And I have every confidence He'll pull me through this one too!
just one girl's opinion on life
Random (adjective): lacking a definite plan or pattern; haphazard, scattered, arbitrary.
Musings (noun): an absorbed thought or reflection; the product of turning something over in one's mind, often inconclusively; pondering, wondering.
Musings (noun): an absorbed thought or reflection; the product of turning something over in one's mind, often inconclusively; pondering, wondering.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
This is spring break in my neck of the woods (ironically, just came from the pine covered slopes of Colorado). I was extremely blessed this year to be able to join my family in a small get-away of lounging in a large lodge house snugly fit into Walton's Mountain outside Manitou Springs. But I was thinking last night about what all that time had meant to me, having just returned from our jaunt yesternight.
First of all: Vacation. This time was a welcome relief from some rather intense school and work stress as of late. It was also a beautiful time just getting to reconnect with my siblings especially, and remember why I finally decided not to kill them all off while growing up. Come to find out they are really pretty stellar people. I think I could go down the list right now and name ways that each and every one of them has enriched my life! In fact I think I shall... but maybe in another blog post. Also, it was neat to see my uncle enjoying life and laughing with us. We pulled out home movies one night that we had made of
each other (you know, not the blowing out candles kind, but the pretending to be the crocodile hunter or fake interview kind!) and we were all laughing so hard at the antics. That will be a very precious memory. My uncle has ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease), and this will be one of the last special times together with him, as his condition gets progressively worse.
Second: Detox. So come to find out, God had some stuff that He wished to clear up between us, and getting me away proved an excellent outlet for surfacing some of these issues. Without actually going into full details, lets just say that there was some major sin/disobedience issues that I had been pushing to the back burner for a long time now, and God was finally like: "uhm, no, Jo, this is ridiculous, we are going to deal with this now! once and for all!" (incidentally, I have some really great best friends who have called me on this, and I finally decided to start listening to what God was saying through them). So, yeah, working on cleaning out some pretty nasty toxic sin from my life and getting clean. And I actually went for 5 days straight without a Mtn Dew. I'm not really sure how! I slept a lot more, and was largely less productive during waking hours, and the effects of my detox at this level became obvious when craving started to set in. However, when, upon returning last evening, I pulled a dusty can out of my pantry and greedily gulped it down, I would have to say that it was not as refreshing as I had formerly remembered. Perhaps I am over the hump and on the way to rehabilitation?
Third: Deprivation. Not sure what all forms this is going to take, but for starters I think that God taught me a lot through His creation in the last several days. Of course any of you that have been to Colorado know that the elevation severely effects normal body functions. Not the least of which is breathing. Decrease in oxygenation of the air at higher altitudes, causes the muscles of the diaphragm and lung alveoli to have to contract more vehemently to be able to inhale an adequate amount of O2 for adequate tissue oxygen perfusion. Funny thing though, when you have allergies like crazy, coupled with asthma, tripled with general lack of perfect fitness, and quadrupled with this oxygen deprivation... well, you get me wheezing like a freight train while trying to climb any sort of slope, and having heart palpitations! (which is slightly distressing if you have never experienced that before!) But there is a certain victory in attaining a crest, climbing just beyond what you think you can possibly do... I don't know if I can explain it. Somehow its ten times as meaningful for the very fact that it cost you something. (namely physical pain) Also, we hiked through railroad tunnels cut straight out of the mountain rocks. Some of the tunnels were quite long and you couldn't see the end from the beginning. But I noticed that if you went until you just couldn't see at all to go any farther... at the exact point where you were completely devoid of any light to see what in the world you were stepping on or over on the ground... it was at the point of absolutely no way to go on... that you could see the first sliver of light from the other end. Somehow this was the most comforting truth. That even when God brings us through times in our lives when it is so pitch black that we think we can't go on one step more. He shows us that sliver of light from the other side... plus He is there the entire time, holding our hand and coaxing us forward one step at a time. The deprivation of light makes us have to trust that He knows that there is another end and that He will not let us trip and fall in the dark.
Fourth: Struggle. I find it very interesting that one of the things that renews me the most is a good long struggle. Okay, funny story time... so I was hiking and me and Jeff (my stellarly amazingly rugged type of brother, think flannel shirts, work boots, dirty dusty ball cap, and heart of gold!) decided that we were not content hiking the trail, but needed to descend to the valley floor and dip our hands in the cold mountain stream... which was of course the first mistake. Getting down the mountain is generally the easier of the directions of travel, and I strongly recommend the "squat and slide" method when all else fails. I however, in my infinite wisdom, decided to stand at one point to climb over some brush... slipped, fell... and landed square on a cactus. Oh, I am really not joking! And it wasn't one of those cactus that are poky to sit on, but produce no lasting effects. No, this was porcupine-quality-millions-of-tiny-needles-embedded-in-flesh type cactus. I froze my hand in the mountain stream long enough to pull out all of the on
es impaled there... but my poor gluteous maximus had to wait until I had hiked all the way back to the house. And we decided to climb up one of the landslide piles to get back up the mountain to the trail... again, not one of my proudly bright moments... I was still a good 12 feet from the top, wheezing like a teakettle, with cramps in all four of my extremities, and wanting nothing more than to just let go of my handhold and fall all the way back down to the valley floor. But I made it... even though I really wanted to cry when I finally made it to the top, and I just laid there for a while. I would have to say that extreme sports like mountain climbing are not going to be one of my spiritual gifts! I'm pretty sure that the only thing that kept me going up that mountainside was pure heart... (that and the fact that one of my lovely siblings who shall remain nameless, but his initials are JIM! decided to shower me with pine cones while I was climbing. I always preform a little better when it becomes a pride issue) One of my profiles has this verse posted to it, and I keep meaning to change it, but then every time I start to, I realize how much I really need this verse in my life for those times of struggle: 2 Cor 4:16 "Therefore we do not lose ♥ . Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For out light and momentary afflictions are producing for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
First of all: Vacation. This time was a welcome relief from some rather intense school and work stress as of late. It was also a beautiful time just getting to reconnect with my siblings especially, and remember why I finally decided not to kill them all off while growing up. Come to find out they are really pretty stellar people. I think I could go down the list right now and name ways that each and every one of them has enriched my life! In fact I think I shall... but maybe in another blog post. Also, it was neat to see my uncle enjoying life and laughing with us. We pulled out home movies one night that we had made of
Second: Detox. So come to find out, God had some stuff that He wished to clear up between us, and getting me away proved an excellent outlet for surfacing some of these issues. Without actually going into full details, lets just say that there was some major sin/disobedience issues that I had been pushing to the back burner for a long time now, and God was finally like: "uhm, no, Jo, this is ridiculous, we are going to deal with this now! once and for all!" (incidentally, I have some really great best friends who have called me on this, and I finally decided to start listening to what God was saying through them). So, yeah, working on cleaning out some pretty nasty toxic sin from my life and getting clean. And I actually went for 5 days straight without a Mtn Dew. I'm not really sure how! I slept a lot more, and was largely less productive during waking hours, and the effects of my detox at this level became obvious when craving started to set in. However, when, upon returning last evening, I pulled a dusty can out of my pantry and greedily gulped it down, I would have to say that it was not as refreshing as I had formerly remembered. Perhaps I am over the hump and on the way to rehabilitation?
Third: Deprivation. Not sure what all forms this is going to take, but for starters I think that God taught me a lot through His creation in the last several days. Of course any of you that have been to Colorado know that the elevation severely effects normal body functions. Not the least of which is breathing. Decrease in oxygenation of the air at higher altitudes, causes the muscles of the diaphragm and lung alveoli to have to contract more vehemently to be able to inhale an adequate amount of O2 for adequate tissue oxygen perfusion. Funny thing though, when you have allergies like crazy, coupled with asthma, tripled with general lack of perfect fitness, and quadrupled with this oxygen deprivation... well, you get me wheezing like a freight train while trying to climb any sort of slope, and having heart palpitations! (which is slightly distressing if you have never experienced that before!) But there is a certain victory in attaining a crest, climbing just beyond what you think you can possibly do... I don't know if I can explain it. Somehow its ten times as meaningful for the very fact that it cost you something. (namely physical pain) Also, we hiked through railroad tunnels cut straight out of the mountain rocks. Some of the tunnels were quite long and you couldn't see the end from the beginning. But I noticed that if you went until you just couldn't see at all to go any farther... at the exact point where you were completely devoid of any light to see what in the world you were stepping on or over on the ground... it was at the point of absolutely no way to go on... that you could see the first sliver of light from the other end. Somehow this was the most comforting truth. That even when God brings us through times in our lives when it is so pitch black that we think we can't go on one step more. He shows us that sliver of light from the other side... plus He is there the entire time, holding our hand and coaxing us forward one step at a time. The deprivation of light makes us have to trust that He knows that there is another end and that He will not let us trip and fall in the dark.
Fourth: Struggle. I find it very interesting that one of the things that renews me the most is a good long struggle. Okay, funny story time... so I was hiking and me and Jeff (my stellarly amazingly rugged type of brother, think flannel shirts, work boots, dirty dusty ball cap, and heart of gold!) decided that we were not content hiking the trail, but needed to descend to the valley floor and dip our hands in the cold mountain stream... which was of course the first mistake. Getting down the mountain is generally the easier of the directions of travel, and I strongly recommend the "squat and slide" method when all else fails. I however, in my infinite wisdom, decided to stand at one point to climb over some brush... slipped, fell... and landed square on a cactus. Oh, I am really not joking! And it wasn't one of those cactus that are poky to sit on, but produce no lasting effects. No, this was porcupine-quality-millions-of-tiny-needles-embedded-in-flesh type cactus. I froze my hand in the mountain stream long enough to pull out all of the on
Sunday, March 15, 2009
International Friends
So, here's the thing: at the beginning of the school year I thought and prayed about signing up for an international friend. In fact, I am pretty sure I filled out the form, just never turned it in. I'm not really sure why not; I just didn't. I wish I could say that God told me to hold off or something, but He didn't. I just didn't feel like it was right. Right time, right avenue, right motives, I don't know...
Fast forward like 6 months... God keeps dropping international friends in my lap! No assigned relationships, no obligations. I'm in these people's lives because I want to be in these people's lives. Because I love them for who they are. Because I understand, or am willing to try and understand them. Understand their language, their hang-ups, their joys, their culture, and our lack thereof at times!
I can't tell you how that thrills my heart! Tonight I had a talk with a girl who told me that she had been in the states for almost a year and yet had no American friends. I promptly told her that that had just changed! But what an amazing ministry to be a home and family to these people who have one soooo far away!
Anyway, I think that you all should have international friends. Even if they are not "official" international buddies or whatever you call them. Don't underestimate you ability to make someone feel very loved and accepted just by being willing to say hello, or hang out when you don't have to!
Fast forward like 6 months... God keeps dropping international friends in my lap! No assigned relationships, no obligations. I'm in these people's lives because I want to be in these people's lives. Because I love them for who they are. Because I understand, or am willing to try and understand them. Understand their language, their hang-ups, their joys, their culture, and our lack thereof at times!
I can't tell you how that thrills my heart! Tonight I had a talk with a girl who told me that she had been in the states for almost a year and yet had no American friends. I promptly told her that that had just changed! But what an amazing ministry to be a home and family to these people who have one soooo far away!
Anyway, I think that you all should have international friends. Even if they are not "official" international buddies or whatever you call them. Don't underestimate you ability to make someone feel very loved and accepted just by being willing to say hello, or hang out when you don't have to!
This is Colorado peeps!
Welcome to my first attempt at video blogging...
depending on the response to this vid, I might consider doing it more often. If nothing else you can join me in laughing at the hilarious bunch that I call my family!!
depending on the response to this vid, I might consider doing it more often. If nothing else you can join me in laughing at the hilarious bunch that I call my family!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Like it, Love it, Want lots more of it!
So I have been reading everyone else's blogs about KC and specifically the "Murder Factory" section of the city.
First off, I guess I should display my ignorance of there even being such a neighborhood. No, I never watch the news, or read the KC Star (except the cryptoquips), and unlike so many of the Ichthus community, have no relational ties with it... and so am largely unfamiliar with "the City". (I guess everything is up to date there??)
Secondly, WOW!! I am so super stoked for what is anticipated happening there! My spiritual heart is so full with excitement for all involved! I see God really raising a banner of freedom and hope in that area. A standard of Chirst's love and the power of His blood over generations of bloodshed!
So, yeah, I totally followed the link from Liz's blog and read all about the area. My heart broke with the absolute hopelessness of people in that neighborhood. To the point where all they want to do is get out! I read it last night, and it was still so heavy on my heart this morning that I spent a better part of my morning in prayer for it. (and I'm not saying that to sound all "spiritual", but to demonstrate how it really is on my heart, even when I know so little about it)
I guess I should also clarify that the "heavy on my heart" isn't like a crushing weight, like usually I have in such situations, but a burden that feels so filled with joy and hope... sorry, guess I don't know how to explain it besides that... Just that when I sayburden, I don't mean a depressive burden.
I think that God isn't calling me to go there, but that He definitely is calling me to prayer for the area. As such, I think it would be awesome to go there sometime and prayer walk the area. But we'll see...
Right now, my excitement for what God would look to do is incredibly huge!
Like it, Love it, Want lots more of it! -- lets not be afraid to ask God to do big things again and again! And how completely awesome to be willing to live sacrificially in such a major way! Ah, man, I applaud that from the bottom of my heart! Truly sold out to God!
First off, I guess I should display my ignorance of there even being such a neighborhood. No, I never watch the news, or read the KC Star (except the cryptoquips), and unlike so many of the Ichthus community, have no relational ties with it... and so am largely unfamiliar with "the City". (I guess everything is up to date there??)
Secondly, WOW!! I am so super stoked for what is anticipated happening there! My spiritual heart is so full with excitement for all involved! I see God really raising a banner of freedom and hope in that area. A standard of Chirst's love and the power of His blood over generations of bloodshed!
So, yeah, I totally followed the link from Liz's blog and read all about the area. My heart broke with the absolute hopelessness of people in that neighborhood. To the point where all they want to do is get out! I read it last night, and it was still so heavy on my heart this morning that I spent a better part of my morning in prayer for it. (and I'm not saying that to sound all "spiritual", but to demonstrate how it really is on my heart, even when I know so little about it)
I guess I should also clarify that the "heavy on my heart" isn't like a crushing weight, like usually I have in such situations, but a burden that feels so filled with joy and hope... sorry, guess I don't know how to explain it besides that... Just that when I sayburden, I don't mean a depressive burden.
I think that God isn't calling me to go there, but that He definitely is calling me to prayer for the area. As such, I think it would be awesome to go there sometime and prayer walk the area. But we'll see...
Right now, my excitement for what God would look to do is incredibly huge!
Like it, Love it, Want lots more of it! -- lets not be afraid to ask God to do big things again and again! And how completely awesome to be willing to live sacrificially in such a major way! Ah, man, I applaud that from the bottom of my heart! Truly sold out to God!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I know... I know... how cliche can you get, but... my heart and my head are fighting again.
It has to do with this beautiful thing called life and how it ought to be lived.
See part of me wants to get every little tiny eensy weensy drop of fullness and funness out of it; to pour out myself for people, to laugh often, love well, forgive unconditionally, dance in the rain... you know... the usual.
The other part of me... hmm... not so much. More like the part of me that tells me I should be studying for my practicum tomorrow instead of typing this blog post. The part of me that wanted me to get quit chatting earlier when I needed to go study before class, cringes when I get less than a B on a test, kicks herself in the foot for not attending to details, freaks out about the $228 ticket, can't stand how messy she lets her apartment get, decries the general state of her finances, car, and dresser... and so on.
Now anyone who has known me for any length of time at all knows that the first one does not in the least sound like me. First of all, it's cliche... and I HATE cliche! But second, I am the safe one. Yes, I am that friend... the one that always has to remind you that whatever you are doing at the time, that is terribly dangerous and foolhardy, shall probably not only break your neck, but also get you in a ton of trouble. I'm the girl that freaks out to the point of giving herself ulcers over stupid test scores. Cries when she fails things, can't function with clutter, packs things for trips weeks in advance.
Yeah, that's the normal me.
So where did this other person come from? And how do we send her back?!?
I'm not sure that I know what to do with this new "cliche" that abandons school for relationships, work for family, her own comfort for fun... She's downright unnerving to the conservative, responsible me!! But really, when all is said and done, she values people over accomplishments, God over comfort, and simplicity over elaboration. Its a mind shift, but maybe a heart one as well. God has been working on me... I know that. And I don't yet see what He's doing with all the puzzle peices... and the picture doesn't make any sense yet. In fact those perfectly placed peices in the middle with no connections are downright awkward. But I trust fully that God has a plan for them as well!
I feel more alive than ever... and I don't think that I would want to stop this transformation for the world!
It has to do with this beautiful thing called life and how it ought to be lived.
See part of me wants to get every little tiny eensy weensy drop of fullness and funness out of it; to pour out myself for people, to laugh often, love well, forgive unconditionally, dance in the rain... you know... the usual.
The other part of me... hmm... not so much. More like the part of me that tells me I should be studying for my practicum tomorrow instead of typing this blog post. The part of me that wanted me to get quit chatting earlier when I needed to go study before class, cringes when I get less than a B on a test, kicks herself in the foot for not attending to details, freaks out about the $228 ticket, can't stand how messy she lets her apartment get, decries the general state of her finances, car, and dresser... and so on.
Now anyone who has known me for any length of time at all knows that the first one does not in the least sound like me. First of all, it's cliche... and I HATE cliche! But second, I am the safe one. Yes, I am that friend... the one that always has to remind you that whatever you are doing at the time, that is terribly dangerous and foolhardy, shall probably not only break your neck, but also get you in a ton of trouble. I'm the girl that freaks out to the point of giving herself ulcers over stupid test scores. Cries when she fails things, can't function with clutter, packs things for trips weeks in advance.
Yeah, that's the normal me.
So where did this other person come from? And how do we send her back?!?
I'm not sure that I know what to do with this new "cliche" that abandons school for relationships, work for family, her own comfort for fun... She's downright unnerving to the conservative, responsible me!! But really, when all is said and done, she values people over accomplishments, God over comfort, and simplicity over elaboration. Its a mind shift, but maybe a heart one as well. God has been working on me... I know that. And I don't yet see what He's doing with all the puzzle peices... and the picture doesn't make any sense yet. In fact those perfectly placed peices in the middle with no connections are downright awkward. But I trust fully that God has a plan for them as well!
I feel more alive than ever... and I don't think that I would want to stop this transformation for the world!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I've been kinda hesitant to put this out there blatantly... (for several reasons)... but...
Okay, so any/all of you that have ever read my blog know that things are constantly popping up about... of all things... Africa!
See, last summer I went to Uganda with a group from K-State Ichthus. I had a really challenging, and completely amazing time! I can honestly say that there has never been a place besides my own hometown that I have felt so comfortable. (and let me tell you, if anywhere was going to be awkward, this would be the place... try being the only person with fair skin in sight! and I am one of those people that really can't STAND being the conspicuous) Long story-short, I felt drawn to the people, culture, way of life... And I think that God is calling me back there full-time.
Now, here's where it gets tricky... I know I am supposed to finish school, but after that... I've got nothing... I don't really know where I am supposed to go from there...

So this summer I am looking at going back. Partially because I miss all my brothers and sisters over there like CRAZY! And partially because I would really like to be able to line up some sort of capacity that I could work in over there as long term after I am done with school. (Again, much prayer needed on this topic; I am really looking for God to plop something in my lap here, as He has been so faithful to do!) And also because I really have a heart for service and pouring out love on these people. It doesn't take much to look into some of the eyes and see the absolute hurt that is written there! (and of course that is a huge motivator for someone with my spiritual giftings)
So this is what I am hesitant to throw out there... right now, I can't afford to go back over there this summer. I won't tell you all how much it will cost, cause to some extent you don't need to know. But what I really want to ask is that you will join me in prayer that God will supply exactly, to a penny, what is needed.
Oh, so you might want to know... right now, I am most likely going to be working with Village of Hope in Gulu. They have a home for kids that were orphaned because of/have run away from the LRA. But there may be a couple of other ministry opportunities in the works as well.
Also pray for people to be willing to go with me... The Village of Hope was expecting to have 110 high school students come work on building projects with them this summer, and they have had to back out. I personally am not up to doing the work of 110 wacky teens! But I think that any help we are able to provide will be a huge blessing to them!
Thanks all, you know how I appreciate the prayers!
I've been kinda hesitant to put this out there blatantly... (for several reasons)... but...
Okay, so any/all of you that have ever read my blog know that things are constantly popping up about... of all things... Africa!
See, last summer I went to Uganda with a group from K-State Ichthus. I had a really challenging, and completely amazing time! I can honestly say that there has never been a place besides my own hometown that I have felt so comfortable. (and let me tell you, if anywhere was going to be awkward, this would be the place... try being the only person with fair skin in sight! and I am one of those people that really can't STAND being the conspicuous) Long story-short, I felt drawn to the people, culture, way of life... And I think that God is calling me back there full-time.
Now, here's where it gets tricky... I know I am supposed to finish school, but after that... I've got nothing... I don't really know where I am supposed to go from there...
So this summer I am looking at going back. Partially because I miss all my brothers and sisters over there like CRAZY! And partially because I would really like to be able to line up some sort of capacity that I could work in over there as long term after I am done with school. (Again, much prayer needed on this topic; I am really looking for God to plop something in my lap here, as He has been so faithful to do!) And also because I really have a heart for service and pouring out love on these people. It doesn't take much to look into some of the eyes and see the absolute hurt that is written there! (and of course that is a huge motivator for someone with my spiritual giftings)
So this is what I am hesitant to throw out there... right now, I can't afford to go back over there this summer. I won't tell you all how much it will cost, cause to some extent you don't need to know. But what I really want to ask is that you will join me in prayer that God will supply exactly, to a penny, what is needed.
Oh, so you might want to know... right now, I am most likely going to be working with Village of Hope in Gulu. They have a home for kids that were orphaned because of/have run away from the LRA. But there may be a couple of other ministry opportunities in the works as well.
Also pray for people to be willing to go with me... The Village of Hope was expecting to have 110 high school students come work on building projects with them this summer, and they have had to back out. I personally am not up to doing the work of 110 wacky teens! But I think that any help we are able to provide will be a huge blessing to them!
Thanks all, you know how I appreciate the prayers!
Friday, March 6, 2009
I have no subject material...
So I really want to write a blog post today... I mean, the sun is shining down warmly on my back, the cool breeze is wafting in through the window... I have a full glass of Mt. Dew at my fingertips... and yet I have absolutely no subject material to speak of...
But if I could write a blog post about anything that I wanted, and I did have said stupendous things happening in my life... I guess it would be about discipleship.
I have been realizing recently the huge capacity that I have to be a peer discipler (better word for that, anyone?) here recently. And yet, I think that I fail at it so much because I either A.) think I don't have the time, or B.) think that I am not strong enough in my own faith, or C.) laziness.
But when I really think about it, I think it often comes down to fear. A.) fear of not fulfilling my own obligations, B.) fear of failure and insufficiency (quite honestly, not only of myself, but of God to carry me through, cause I know its not on me at all!), and C.) fear of having to leave my comfort zone and be self-less for once!
I really wish that I had a really cool discipleship story to tell you all. How God had stirred my heart for someone, and how we were able to hang out, share life, and come to know God better, just by living out our lives in communion...
Unfortunately, I don't currently have any stories of that nature...
But (as my UG friends like to say) watch this space! Cause I am planning on changing that at the earliest possible time!
But if I could write a blog post about anything that I wanted, and I did have said stupendous things happening in my life... I guess it would be about discipleship.
I have been realizing recently the huge capacity that I have to be a peer discipler (better word for that, anyone?) here recently. And yet, I think that I fail at it so much because I either A.) think I don't have the time, or B.) think that I am not strong enough in my own faith, or C.) laziness.
But when I really think about it, I think it often comes down to fear. A.) fear of not fulfilling my own obligations, B.) fear of failure and insufficiency (quite honestly, not only of myself, but of God to carry me through, cause I know its not on me at all!), and C.) fear of having to leave my comfort zone and be self-less for once!
I really wish that I had a really cool discipleship story to tell you all. How God had stirred my heart for someone, and how we were able to hang out, share life, and come to know God better, just by living out our lives in communion...
Unfortunately, I don't currently have any stories of that nature...
But (as my UG friends like to say) watch this space! Cause I am planning on changing that at the earliest possible time!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Every time that life really sucks in one aspect... seems like it is really grand in another.
For example, this last weekend, I worked all weekend, even picking up part of night shift. This severely impeded my study time that should have been devoted to my test on Monday. Not to mention that on Friday night I was in a funk and got no study work done at all!
But I just got back my test result from today, and I got a B. And work shifts didn't get crazy until after I left for the night... in fact we went and worked out in the gym to keep ourselves awake! How ironic!
I got a ticket last night on the way to work. It was a stupid ticket, not for speeding like a bat out of hell, like I normally am, but for passing a schoolbus that was parking, with a sun glare... I could swear the stopsign wasn't out, but the officer said it was. But I just got my backpay for a raise that I should have gotten last July... and it will cover it.
For example, this last weekend, I worked all weekend, even picking up part of night shift. This severely impeded my study time that should have been devoted to my test on Monday. Not to mention that on Friday night I was in a funk and got no study work done at all!
But I just got back my test result from today, and I got a B. And work shifts didn't get crazy until after I left for the night... in fact we went and worked out in the gym to keep ourselves awake! How ironic!
I got a ticket last night on the way to work. It was a stupid ticket, not for speeding like a bat out of hell, like I normally am, but for passing a schoolbus that was parking, with a sun glare... I could swear the stopsign wasn't out, but the officer said it was. But I just got my backpay for a raise that I should have gotten last July... and it will cover it.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Pet Peeves
So I was looking at my blog today, contemplating changing things up a little... reformat or something... anyway, I noticed that I had 14 posts for February. No big deal, right? Except that when you look at it, it says February (14)... which is Valentines Day, which is one of my pet peeves...
Hence this post!
I have a lot of pet peeves. Now don't hate; I'll bet you a three layer German chocolate cake that you do too! I think though that they are fun to isolate. (yeah, I know, I am one of those weird people that likes to be all introspective and such...) Anywhoooo....
#1. (and there is a reason that this is #1.) People following the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. Especially in relation to scriptural principles... (I know, I sound like a weird radical liberal now... tsk, tsk: rebel!)
#2. Things that aren't even. This includes the curtains in my room (its a personal experiment to see how long I can stand their unevenness before I finally reach that breaking point and fix it!), how many crackers I take out of a package (seriously, I count them, and I never eat an odd number unless its just one), the number and color of things (yes, I do wear clothes out of my closet based on how many of one color are in there; and I always eat the popsicle color that has the most in the box, and I will pick out strategic m&m colors to maintain consistent numbers of each color), etc...
#3. Dirty socks. Nuff said? Surely I don't have to explain this... come on guys! I like to live in an alternate dimension in which dirty socks do not exist. I will go out of my way to not actually touch mine... let alone other people's... its just icky! (including picking up bundles of laundry and using the other clothes to pick up the socks) I also won't take socks off my residents without gloves, and even then, think extra handwashing AND alcohol disinfectant! (I know, how juvenile Jo!)
#4. People that hurt people that I love. I'll take a lot myself and usually forgive you, but the moment you start messing with someone I love... whoa, buddy! You better be ready to handle some righteous indignation! Familiar with the look of death??
#5. Sleeping without a blanket. Must be something I picked up when I was little, but I can't stand it if I don't have at least a sheet over me when I am sleeping, even if I am sleeping on the couch during a movie!
This is by no means an exhaustive list, I am sure that I will add more when I think of them, but that's enough for today!
Hence this post!
I have a lot of pet peeves. Now don't hate; I'll bet you a three layer German chocolate cake that you do too! I think though that they are fun to isolate. (yeah, I know, I am one of those weird people that likes to be all introspective and such...) Anywhoooo....
#1. (and there is a reason that this is #1.) People following the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law. Especially in relation to scriptural principles... (I know, I sound like a weird radical liberal now... tsk, tsk: rebel!)
#2. Things that aren't even. This includes the curtains in my room (its a personal experiment to see how long I can stand their unevenness before I finally reach that breaking point and fix it!), how many crackers I take out of a package (seriously, I count them, and I never eat an odd number unless its just one), the number and color of things (yes, I do wear clothes out of my closet based on how many of one color are in there; and I always eat the popsicle color that has the most in the box, and I will pick out strategic m&m colors to maintain consistent numbers of each color), etc...
#3. Dirty socks. Nuff said? Surely I don't have to explain this... come on guys! I like to live in an alternate dimension in which dirty socks do not exist. I will go out of my way to not actually touch mine... let alone other people's... its just icky! (including picking up bundles of laundry and using the other clothes to pick up the socks) I also won't take socks off my residents without gloves, and even then, think extra handwashing AND alcohol disinfectant! (I know, how juvenile Jo!)
#4. People that hurt people that I love. I'll take a lot myself and usually forgive you, but the moment you start messing with someone I love... whoa, buddy! You better be ready to handle some righteous indignation! Familiar with the look of death??
#5. Sleeping without a blanket. Must be something I picked up when I was little, but I can't stand it if I don't have at least a sheet over me when I am sleeping, even if I am sleeping on the couch during a movie!
This is by no means an exhaustive list, I am sure that I will add more when I think of them, but that's enough for today!
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