Monday, October 27, 2008

Life Happens

So yeah, life happens, and sometimes it really isn't pretty at all! This has really been my life of late... the pressure of work finally climaxed to the point where I don't even know if I have a job any more... (I know, nursing is supposed to be job security!)
Anyway, all weekend I have been struggling with this and some other stuff in my life that is going down... and it is all confusing and had thrown me into a miniature depression.
So then today, I open my Bible, and what is staring me in the face... (I just randomly flipped it open, but apparently God was directing my fingers...) Hosea 6 (and seriously who reads Hosea?)
"Come let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but He will heal us; He has injured us but He will bind up our wounds. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will restore us, that we may live in His presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth."
Okay, so what does that all mean? First of all, for me, it meant that God had specifically ordained (ie. planned, premeditated, mapped, forethought) this time in my life. He was the one who had torn me to pieces... but He was also the one who could restore!
Almost like a surgeon doing surgery on a misaligned broken bone, it is necessary sometime for God to inflict wounds for the very purpose of resetting our lives to function properly. The thing to remember is not only did He start the surgery, but He remains our Physician through the healing. He doesn't leave us to someone else's care; He stays by our sides until those wounds are completely healed and bound up! (and quite honestly, even afterwards!
Okay, so secondly, for me, there was also a promise... that He would not let me stay wounded, but that He had already provided a way, and He was in the business of reviving me on the second day... (would have been yesterday) and on the third day restoring me! And the thing is that He is faithful, even when I am faithless... and He is true to his promises, even when I fail to trust them. He had already started the revival yesterday through some very true friends who were not afraid to love on me and speak Christ into my life!
And then today I am still down, and I flip open to this passage... and let me tell you my entire viewpoint changed... Just like that the He has restored me!
But, He does His restoration for a reason... (lest we get too hasty and "feel goody" about this!)... check out the next part of the verse! "... that we may live in His presence." This is His plan, when He brings us through this... to have us become more and more reliant on Him and His love!
Then He delights to come to us like the winter rains, and like the spring rains that water the earth, He brings refreshment and healing into our lives that we are able to grow and flourish resting in the fertilizer of the hard times, and stretching tender shoots up towards heaven!

1 comment:

Jo N. said...

and He did restore me (my job)! is my God faithful or what?