Friday, February 7, 2020

The Cutest Darn Writer's Block Ever

I haven't written much in a good long while, and as much as I kind of rue that unfortunate truth. I simply adore the reason for it. My little man steals a lot of my time and energy these days. Not to say that I would change that for the world. I love being his Mommy. Its the most natural life transition I think I have ever made, going from just Jo to MamaD.

But I was challenged lately to get back into writing. A friend of mine recently started a group for prospective writers to help encourage us to keep going forward in our projects. Currently I can't really say that I have any projects on the table, but I do have this blog which has been woefully abandoned. In the interest of staying true to this new group I feel I should pick back up on posting short stories and life lessons on here.

It used to be one of my very deep avowed hopes to someday be a published author and be able to help support our family from my writing. Unfortunately for me... my writing requires a certain level of calm determination which in my crazy busy life I do not often feel that I have. I need to be able to ruminate on ideas and concepts before they can be transferred into tangible words and expounded onto paper.

And wouldn't you know it, God even gave me the time to do this! One of my client's passed away a couple months ago and I haven't been able to pick up a new permanent position so I have 1 day a week off work. Lately, that has ended up being a snow day from preschool for my little distraction and I end up playing with him all day, but today its just a day off so I am sitting in the coffee shop as I used to do so frequently back in my 20s and just typing away. I'm not even sure that I have that much to write about today, but when I start typing sometimes everything else fades away and I am able to get to that calm, contemplative place where things are born.

So, here is the question: If I were to work on writing something, what would you most like to read?
Maybe I should go back and dust off that book that I had previously been working at writing. It was a bit of an autobiography and that of course is 1/2 silly (because I'm nobody special) and 1/2 scary, because there is so much of my soul bared in those pages. I'd really love to write more about my experience living and working in Uganda. Some about my experience in a multicultural, multiracial, long distance, multi-dimensional relationship with me and my husband and our little. I think that a lot of my experiences in Uganda, while not really out of the normal for me at the time, or out of the normal for Ugandans that experience that style of living every day, they would perhaps be a little shocking to our American sensibilities and therefore perhaps entertaining?
I've never been very good at writing fiction, so you'll have to excuse me from fabricating much in the way of my new writing project.
I could do a collection possibly of short stories. Or perhaps work on beefing up my poetry skills that kind of died off when the tablet that contained a lot of my works was stolen.
You'll have to let me know what you think.
For now, I'll plan on continuing to work on this blog and kinda get back in the cadence of writing more and fully utilizing my vocabulary.

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