Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Coloring is the best!
(please ignore the iron in the background, and don't worry, it is not hot)

We may have an artist on our hands. Little buddy absolutely loves coloring with crayons or markers or pens. Pretty much anything he can get his hands on.

Thankfully we have not graduated to the "everything is a canvas" stage where our walls and floors are in danger.

I tried to avert this by making sure that I got him coloring books and an entire art book devoted to his scribblings. This has provided him endless delight and Mama a few sane moments for house cleaning as once he is in the booster chair, he can't get down by himself! (I know, smart, right?)

Also, ironically, some of his Mama's art is hanging above him as he is coloring away. Hmm... you never know, we may have an artist!

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