Saturday, May 31, 2014

This Week

This week in Africa...
My tablet, external harddrive, and computer all broke (to varying extents)
I tried to get an apartment and realized that I can't afford it yet
I held like 7 babies and played with many more and realized how badly I want my own
I ran a low grade temp for 3 days and still went to work
I cried, like really cried for the first time this year
I nearly lost my way completely with a very broken heart and then found it again with help from a very unlikely source (the person who started my problems in the first place)
I started reading Walking with God by John Eldredge again... And got reminded how many things I am trying to do on my own without even asking God if it is a good idea

On page 87 this is what I found:
"And so God must, from time to time, and sometimes very insistently, disruptn our lives SO THAT we release our grasping of life here and now. Usually through pain. God is asking us to let go of the things we love and have given our hearts to, so that we can give our hearts even more fully to Him. He that's our attempts to make life work so that our efforts fail, and we must face the fact that we don't really look to God for life."

But that wasn't enough so He thought He would emphasize the point by having me read in Acts chapter 27 about Paul and the shipwreck... Interestingly, God told Paul that the only way for every life to be spared was for them to stay with the ship, no matter how bad the seas got. Act 27:25 " So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.". Its like He was also whispering in my ear... "The storm is bad, but I'll bring you through this if you hold steady and stay with Me." But the verse continues, "Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island." There may be worse to come, but somehow those few simple words spoke to my heart well enough for me to be able to pick myself up and continue on.

Thanks for reading, hope you were encouraged with what God has been teaching me, and mob love my peeps!

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