Thursday, November 14, 2013

Let's Write a Poem

Let's write a poem.
Let's make it say everything that we've been thinking and feeling
Let's put in all our disappointments and our joys
Let's spread am ample amount of fear for the future and regret for the past
Let's season it with the bliss of a first kiss and the excitement of a little one's arrival
Let's put in all the words we should have been saying to one another all along
Let's speak of noble things
Let's tell of change for our generation
Let's inspire hope of a better tomorrow
Let's be a voice for the one who has none and advocate for the downtrodden
Let's put all this down on paper
Let's give it a stunning title to make people think
Let's fill it full of alliterating prose and Oxford words
Let's fuse intelligence with eloquence
Let's blend the wisdom of the streets with the fullness of a library
Let's twist our thoughts into new written ideas
Let's empathize, emphasize, epigrammatize, enfranchise, equalize, essentialize, and epitomize 
Let's give them something so unique that they snap to their feet
Let's write a poem.

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