Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Got my first mosquito bite last night. The girls made fun of me because I told them that I rarely get bitten, which is true. Hopefully it wasn't an Anopheles mosquito!

Made supper for the first time. John would be proud; I made chicken salad sandwiches. I had to boil a whole chicken and then cut it up. This proved to be a little messy, especially cooking over the charcoal stove on the balcony. It turned out fine though, just a little less of a meal than most Ugandans are used to.

This morning I washed dishes for the first time. I should have done it last night, but what else is new.

Took a very cold shower since power was out (no way to heat the hot water. trust me, I am not firing up the charcoal stove just for a shower!) Nothing quite gets your blood pumping early in the morning than cold water coursing over your body.

I cried for the first time. I found a note stuffed in my suitcase from my 4 youngest siblings. It was so sweet and of course I just flashed back to their faces at the airport and missed them.

Rode sidesaddle on a boda for the first time. That did NOT go well. There were multiple instances where I thought I would bite the ground. I did manage to stay on, but I think next time I'll take the bus instead if I'm wearing a dress.

I've learnt a new word in Luganda: Ndeka. It essentially means: leave me alone. I asked how to say it so I could say that to people who like to pester mzungus... but actually I think I have used it more on my friends who like to tease me a lot! Needless to say we have fun!

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