Friday, July 19, 2013

Little Boys

Little boys will be the ruination of me. I'm sorry, but they are just so darn adorable! 
The really bad part is that I am equal parts fond of truck motor noises, playing catch, making faces, tickle wars, and snuggle time. My nephew and my 2 clients are keeping my levels of all categories substantially high at the moment. Nevermind the fact that they are all 3 limited in their areas of communication. We get along just fine, as I can tell from the huge smiles that light up their faces when I see them. 

Today my little Down's syndrome patient cuddled with me for an hour after waking up in the morning, gave me hugs and kisses voluntarily, and then fell asleep on my lap for his afternoon nap. I had to try really hard not to let myself think about this fact for fear that I would cry. This is my last week working with him. 

Then there is my other patient. He is equally as sweet in his own way, He has health issues that make it hard for me to hold him, but he loves to make faces with me (we get pretty extreme) and beatbox back and forth. His laugh is amazing when it finally spills out!

Last, but definitely first in my heart, is my very own nephew. Seeing him over the last couple of weekends has reminded me afresh of how much I love that little fellow. Its also rather soberly reminded me of how much of his growth I am going to miss over the next year. I should just tell you right now that I am obviously his favorite Auntie. His face lights up with the biggest smile when he spots me and his little finger goes straight out like a hunting dog as he excitedly tells whomever he is with that he has spotted me! 
In all fairness he probably does this with the rest of my siblings as well, but I will maintain to my grave that he and I have a special connection. (This, if it exists, is probably owning in large part to the fact that I look the most like his mom of all my siblings and of no credit to any of my own character.) 
He's so fun to run around with and get in tickle wars with. He likes to tell me animal noises, and rarely do I get to go to his house where he doesn't pull me off to his room to show me his toy collection. He already has started to show what a smart kid he is and I have very high hopes for him in the future! He also used to let me read to him and snuggle before bed (we haven't done it in a while). 
I'm not going to lie, those tuckered out little faces cradled in my arms just do something funny to my heart. Its pretty easy to fall in love with these adorable little boys. I'm going to miss them when I leave for Africa, and they will certainly all be in my prayers. 

So what do you think God? Gonna give me little boys?

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