Tuesday, November 22, 2011

That Precipice Called "Goodbye"

at the edge of the precipice called "goodbye"
how do you find the courage to take that last step?
to plunge head-long into the tension laden air
plummeting through time and space
a decision that cannot be un-done.
is it truly courage?
or is it mingled with stupidity?
the loss of what could still be, what has been
clouds the mind and emotions
coupled with the dizziness of the heights
and the thrill of the danger of the fall.
for what adrenaline could be more
than flirting with the edge, dancing its rim
playing the fool for one more chance.
who can blame you for trying?
what if it had been possible,
and you had never looked back?
never threatened to take that step into mid-air.
just dare to tread there
with nothing supporting your foot
and the sinking feeling of body and soul
as you make that first startling conclusion:
your fall will not be stopped easily.
you will not escape unscathed.
should you have ever jumped?

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