Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Amen Sista!

Well, I realize that I live in the conservative midwest... and yes, I grew up in churches that were not entirely sure they thought it wasn't against some sacred code somewhere to actually have a contemporary service... but I have still always thought of myself as fairly open when it comes to musical styles for worship.
Now... before I go on, let me just clarify, that I DO NOT in any way, shape, or form believe that "singing" can be equivocated to "worship". Worship is very definitely a state of the heart. I worship God sometimes by shouting prayers into the prairie winds or I worship in complete silence, on my knees or dancing sometimes (or as near to dancing as a fat white girl can come). But when it comes to worship... there really is nothing that gets to my heart like a good song. Praise, adoration, biblical truth, complete rest... all can be conveyed through song and I love that about the way that I am able to worship my God!
So that much being said, I have been challenged recently. My boyfriend really likes gospel music. Well, I've heard a gospel song or two in my day, and I thought, "Oh, that's cool." Yeeeeaaaahh... God really likes to challenge me on those kinds of responses. Now I know full well, that given the option I would listen to David Crowder, Third Day, or Hillsong over Tye Tribbet, Fred Hammond, or Kirk Franklin. But I didn't think they were so awful. I mean, really... its pretty much the same as the other guys except your repeat things over and over again and somebody yells promises of God over the top of the choir singing that same worn line. Sometimes its cool, honestly. Yes, people sometimes get carried away with it... (I mean seriously... if your body is gyrating more than it does for your daily exercise, you might be going a bit overboard!) Sometimes its a darn good thing everyone has their eyes closed! Cause ain't nobody wanna see Sister Thompson gettin' her praise on up there in the chior! She's using muscles she ain't used all week long, and every phrase outa the worship leaders mouth is gonna get followed with a "Praise Jesus" from hers! "Lord, we've sinned" "Praise Jesus!" "Lord, we pray for Sister Smith's family grieving" "Praise Jesus" "Lord, we need a better choir director" "Praise Jesus!" Just sayin... And just when you think the song is finally over because they've been winding it down for the last several minutes with gradually less "Hallelujah" interjecitons, they start back in again on the chorus! After a while, I honestly can't listen to it anymore. I mean its cool for a while... but then its just time to change to something else.
That much aside, his liking that style of music has really made me start reconsidering it. Not that I have to like everything that he does (I'm too self-differentiated for that). But it would also be good if we didn't have to have a fight every time we need to decide what to listen to in the car or something... So I've been listening to bits an pieces.
Somethings I have discovered. 1.) If its biblical... I love it! Of course I was thrilled to realize this one! If you can take that exact phrase from a song (especially if you are going to repeat it over and over again) and find it straight outa the Good Book, then I'll for sure sign off on it being a great song! 2.) A little spirit never hurt anyone. Granted, I'm not gonna be the next Sister Thompson... but a little healthy swing in your step and some good old-fashioned clapping with joy in the Lord... well, honestly... we have a lot to be joyful about, so why not!? Funny how I laugh now when people in my conservative midwestern churches try and start clapping. It usually works through the first chorus and then people start dropping off. Maybe we just aren't that coordinated and can't sing and clap at the same time, but I automatically think of my church in UG and how they never stop clapping from the fast to the slow songs. Its only the cadence that changes. 3.) Does it usher you into the heart of God? If the answer is yes, then I can't object. For my boyfriend its a resounding yes. Now, he knows better than to send me a link to a gospel song if his object was to encourage my heart... but when I look at the things that lift him up I can't discount his crazy gospel music because I see the huge impact that it can play in encouraging and uplifting him. At times that means going out of my way to find a youtube clip to send to him with a particularly lovely song that I know he's be blessed by. I'm not terribly good at that yet, because its hard to find anything I am impressed with at the moment, but I am getting better.
Somehow though... whenever I think about it, I think that we'll sing gospel music in heaven. Something about the spirit that is put into those songs... just doesn't compare to the Maranatha praise band stuff that I was raised on.
I could be wrong, and I'm no expert... but it just makes me think...

1 comment:

Jenny Walter said...

Have you ever seen the movie The Gospel? The story line isn't all that great, but watching it was the first time I discovered that I actually liked gospel music. Something makes sense about the all-out energy put into praising the Lord. Of course, like any other genre, there's going to be plenty of gospel songs that I don't care for, but I can imagine really having fun singing in a gospel choir!