"God notices the most trivial act, accepts the most threadbare service, listens to the coldest, feeblest petition, and gathers up with parental fondness all our fragmentary desires and attempts at good works" -Stepping Heavenward
"The reason the average woman would rather have beauty than brains is she knows the average man can see better than he can think" -Dr. James Dobson
Me to Janelle(6 yrs) - "Uhm, be careful with that, cause you don't have enough money to replace it!"
Janelle to me - "Oh, it's okay, I have 2 dollars and 51 cents!"
"What time to they televise the game on the radio?" -- Jenny
"I bet you were a chubby baby." - one of my residents who usually doesn't talk at all, to me... out of the blue.
"Makin' Memories" -John Schwartz, anytime anything funky happened in Africa
"T.I.A." - Me and David to explain anything slightly out of the ordinary, (it doesn't really matter what country we are in presently.)
Discussing rats in Kampala City, Uganda...Megan -"They carry diseases!" Manny - "No our rats don't."
"Glucose Biscuits: mmm, just like Mom used to make them!" -random sign in Kampala City
Chana to me while ordering at Chipolte: "You only order black beans cause you just came back from Africa!"
"I have always, always, always wanted to do that with a guitar!" --me to Nicole discussing using a guitar as a weapon.
"Jenna's too sweet, she wouldn't hurt anyone" -Sarah to me, discussing Jenna's habit of keeping a large blade knife with her after someone attempted to break into our house.
Jenna from the other room -- "Yes i would! I'd KILL HIM!"
"I realize I'm tipping sacred cows here" -- John Zumwald
"This is not a charismatic attempt to take over your life!" -- John Zumwald on lifted hands during worship.
"What are you doing? There's no chicken HERE!!" -- me to Jenna on a long car trip
"We get done at 230 right?" -- me to one of my nursing student buddies
"Tea party? Yeah, we're having one." -- her reply, misunderstanding me, not skipping a beat, and not batting an eyelash.
"That must be frightening for you." --"therapeutic communication" from one of our lovely nursing tests, and much quoted by our entire class, cause who would actually talk like that??
"looks like you're going to the gym" and "everybody in this family is friends" --my amazing parents' most quoted lines.
"We ARE the committee." -- "In the shadows to the left..." -- "Comes in handy down here bub!" -- "Had your chance; muffed it!" -- "You are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell" -- "my apprentice has much to learn... much" -- fav quotes that are used frequently in my family...
"On the contrary my dear, I have the utmost regard for your nerves; they have been my constant companion these last 20 years" (me to Janalee quoting from) -Mr. Bennett (Pride and Prejudice)
"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."
"The will of God is always bigger than we bargain for" -Jim Elliot
"I know God won't give me anything that I can't handle, I just wish He didn't trust me so much" -Mother Theresa
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart"
Psalm 37:4
"Live your life in such a way that if there was no God, it would make no sense"
"We look upon God as our last and feeblest resource. We go to Him only when we have nowhere else to go. And then we find that the storms of life have driven us, not upon the rocks, but into the desired haven."
-George MacDonald
"God has made us for Himself, and our hearts are restless, until they find their rest in Him" -Augustine
"Only in a world where faith is difficult can faith exist. I don't have faith in 2+2=4 or the noonday sun. These are beyond question. But scripture describes a hidden God. You have to make the effort of faith to find Him"
-Dr. Peter Kreeft
"We are so culturally indoctrinated to be fast paced, high-energy, hands-on kinds of people that we tend to think of prayer as a passive, nearly "do-nothing" reaction. We tend to pray when we don't know what else to do. Beloved, nothing shakes the heavenlies more than prayer. Nothing moves the heart of God more than prayer. Furthermore, I'm not sure anything takes more energy at times than fervent prayer." -Beth Moore (Daniel Study)
"The question is asked. "Is there anything more beautiful in life than a boy and girl clasping clean hands and pure hearts in the path of marriage? Can there be anything more beautiful than young love?
And the answer is given. "Yes, there is a more beautiful thing. It is the spectacle of an old man and an old woman finishing their journey together on that path. Their hands are gnarled, but still clasped; their faces are seamed, but still radiant; their hearts are physically bowed and tired, but still strong with love and devotion for one another. Yes, there is a more beautiful thing than young love... Old love."
-Author Unknown
(random side note, but I want this quotation read at my wedding)
"The roads are rugged, the precipices are deep; there may be feelings of dizziness on the heights, gusts of wind, peals of thunder, fierce eagles, nights of awful gloom; fear them not! There are also the joys of sunlight, flowers such as are not on the plain, the purest of air, restful nooks, and the stars shine thence like the eyes of God." -The Spiritual Letters of Pere Didon
"I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of His and I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed. My present makes sense. My future is secure. I'm done and finished with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, or first, or tops, or recognized, or praised, or rewarded. I live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by the Holy Spirit's power. My face is set. My gait is fast. My goal is heaven. The road may be narrow, my way rough, my companions few, but my Guide is reliable and my mission is clear. I will not be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice or hesitate in the presence of adversity. I will not negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and preached up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I must give until I drop, preach until all know, and work until He comes. And when He does come for His own, He'll have no problem recognizing me. My colors will be clear." -A young African pastor martyred for his faith
1 comment:
Goooooood quotes.
P.S. No, I don't mind if you write a blog about what your ma has taught you. :)
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