However... when I bought them i purchased some that would go on the current fixtures. Okay, that would have been fine except... the current fixtures include three light wood curtain rod holders and a curtain rod that is missing its ball-stopper-thingy on one end.
This in and of itself would be okay, but this curtain rod should more accurately called curtain rod"s"... See, for some odd reason it is not one rod but two... The only way that it stays up is if you very delicately balance the two ends of the rods next to each other atop the one middle rod holder and pray that a strong wind doesn't blow... or none of the dogs run behind the couch!
I was messing with them however today (very delicately of course) because when the curtains are closed, it really decreases the light in our front room. As I was gingerly pulling them back to expose the shades and glass on the other side I couldn't help but notice that a lot of things in my life are exactly like those curtains.
For as long as I can remember I have built, constructed, written, embroidered, cooked, and loved things that are delicate. My siblings used to make fun of me, because although I could make some pretty stellar Lego creations... they were always flimsy. You had to play with them VERY delicately or they would fall to millions of pieces in your hands. Awesome 4 story castle with dungeon, secret passageway, and fully functioning drawbridge + play with it a little too roughly = pile of multicolored bricks. My clothing construction projects were not much better. I can make a mean shirt, skirt, jacket, or even duffle-bag. However, as my mother (and extremely patient home-ec teacher) can attest to: my facings are rarely tacked down, my seams on the inside are sloppy, and I don't reinforce my stitching, or top-stitch like I should. Cooking... well, don't even start on that... I can't even begin to describe how many cakes were stuck together with frosting... how many loves of bread fell in the oven because my yeast making skills were not quite up to par, or I was sloppy on how long I mixed the ingredients.
As I was contemplating all this that has been kind of my life story, I realized that the problem goes a whole lot deeper than that. The same things happen in my relationships too... I build them on flimsy things and when those get tested, I end up with a pile of Lego pieces where a beautiful monument to friendship was built. I do that with God things sometimes to. I try so hard to reach for some concept, grow in some area that I keep building up when God is still trying to get me to build out. He knows I need a firm foundation instead of a tottering but beautiful tower. In His divine wisdom He knows that I can't stand the pressures of life that way.
In a way its exactly like the man who built his house on the sand in the parable. If I didn't have a firm foundation to begin with, its absolutely useless to keep building. Its temporary.
I think that I have seen God take a lot of my "sand-houses" (if you will) down to ruins recently. Some of the materials are salvageable, some are not. Either way, this time we are starting over, and together, gonna build this house upon unshifting Rock.
And to think... I got all that from opening my curtains to let in the afternoon sun. I think I might go get a new rod...